Saturday, May 8, 2010

"She's got a love like woe, Girls got a love like woe..."

"Well, it seems to me that the best relationships--the ones that last--
are frequently the ones that are
rooted in friendship. You know, one day
you look at the person and you see something more than you did the
night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person
who was just a friend is...suddenly the only person you can ever imagine
yourself with."

"Kelsi wouldnt wear Hannah Montanna she'd wear Chopin or Stanislovsky...Oh, wait thats an acting..."-Tara

"good thinking with the whole not dating him thing....definitely no good taste in music

you dodged a bullet" -Marci

"hahahahahahahaha...YES! This is one of the many reasons I absolutely love you."-me

"It's my current jam of choice. It makes my ears smile =]" - Dan Guerrero

"Well, I never intended this to be a battle of wits with Glen Beck. As you know he only comes half prepared to that battle"-Rep. Anthony Weiner

"Im going to go return it because I would rather spend a hundred dollars on jeans than a calculator"-Joe Vatter

" he has that whole 'i'm an adorable little boy who knows it and im going to bounce around and make you swoon' thing going on"-Marci

"i'm learning all kinds of useful information in PA school....

who'd have thought it? hahahaha"-Heather Good

"Just i can make sure whenever I day dream about GnD I am day dreaming correctly"-Mr. Ben Rush

"I think what’s best for each of us is what’s best for all of us."— Wendla Bergman

"She was flicking someone off in that picture how can you say shes nice?"-Tara
"Thats a peace sign"-me

"Hillary you know where you should work you should work for the airlines at the check in gate. But, your too feminist to do that"-Tara (she proceeded to say..."Your too feminist to be a sturdiest you should just work at the check in gate")
(Joe makes so comment about having to be super attractive)
"So what your trying to tell me is I am completely unattractive"-me
"No, you could totally slut yourself out if you wanted"-Tara

I hope its that way...we will see I guess.

"I started to pee my pants

I had to go"-Ben Rush

"So you’re not, like, shooting Jack Daniels and doing drugs, The Dirt style?"-Inerviewer

“Uh, no. I drink water and eat oranges.”- The Ready Set

"And you were the only one loosin your mind during ITH.. it was an enjoyable show experience"-Rob Guest (Yeah, I kinda was)

"You're smiling and laughing right now aren't you? I can tell"-Tara (Over the phone)


"The mirrors are a losing game. They only show you backwards anyway"

"I don't think my mothers a virgin"-Joe V.

"Oh, my gosh I am totally eating like yall. Except my fries have bacon on them but we dont have to tell"-Tara

Thank you. You just made my night.

"i'm csi.

just sayin."-Rob Guest

Yeah...not such a good yenta...

"Tequila makes your clothes fall off, luckily I layer"-Tara (Me too... Miss. Whitman, me too!)

"Listen to what's in the heart of a child a song so big and one so small soon you will hear where beauty lies you'll hear and you'll recall the sadness, the doubt, all the loss, the grief will belong to some play from the past as the child leads the way to a dream of belief a time of hope to the last" -Spring Awakening (and completely beautiful)

"Not that I condone using someones crush to make them do things for you cause thats what I just did but..."-Tara

You were legitimately upset about that...crazy pants.

"Whenever I costume design a show, it always results in me sitting home sewing and ironing every night of the week before it opens. I’m essentially a fifty year old spinster."-Joe V.

"matchmaker.. geez. what kinda jew are you anyway"- Rob G.

"im not"-me

"...clearly. "-Rob G.

"Do you know who's scared of baby tomatoes?-me

"Im not"-Joe

"Ooh"- Nina (waving salsa at Joe)

"This is pico de gallo it's not the same"-Joe

That was so awkward.

"There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend;

There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend;
And you never know 'til you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb.
There's a fine, fine line between love
And a waste of time."

"But she is A MESS IN A DRESS."-Rob G (referring to Brittney Spears)

When it rains it pours...

"Did you mean that the way I thought you meant that?"-Mariah

"I know you like your skin and all but, I think you would look really good with a tan"-Tara

"Oh stop it i've been pigging out all day. I had a whole box of corn dogs"-Rob M.

"Thats impossible you cant eat a whole box of corn dogs"-Tara

"I did"- Rob M.

"Thats inappropriate"-Tara

"Because she snuck boys into her bedroom."-Phillie

"Who does that?"-me

"Who hasnt done that?"-Joe

(Everyone at the table raises their hand except for Lila)

"Well I cant say that"-Lila

"They named him sketch. Thats not even good. And, than one day they forgot what his name was and they kept calling him Fetch"-Tara

Okay, I am not sure if you are aware of this or not...but, I saw Spring Awakening three times this last weekend....thats right three. And, each was worth it. This is a show that I have loved the music for, for such a long time. But, seeing it was really an amazing experience. Its one of those things that makes you walk away with a new attitude, thinking, crying, hoping, with a renewed faith in the world, and a giant smile. Its life changing in a way. I know that sounds silly and naive but, it was wonderful and I am not sure how to actually put it into words. This is a show that makes me love life and makes me so happy to be a part of this amazing art form. It's inspiring and real. See it if you ever have a chance.

"There were rednecks laughing at my parking job. I was laughing at their bad teeth and cigeret habits"-Tara

"(quoteable, anonymously only.)"-Rob G.

It is soooo about your agenda...

"I know what works for me"-Tara

"Thats the lamest text message to sneak up on to ever"-Tara

"Well that doesn't help my tan or my blondeness but i am looking forward to the lovely watching of the snow"-Jenna

"I love that they have a Samari working here now"-Tara

"Are you afraid of dating uncircumcised men or something? lol"-Rob G.

"We don't need to meet you or anything but dont hate us"-Tara

"Da da dut da dut dah"-Michael M.

"Want some sugar sweetie? Even my car thinks your sweet"-Tara

"You're defying gravity today"

"Maybe he was just saying hello to your boobs"-Tara (regarding someone calling me Hills)


"You cant make me be nude in a show"-Ashley Willsey

"Yeah, cuz thats what I was trying to do"-me

"Im creeped out by ear gages. Joe don't ever do it. Its too close to those National Geographic photo shoots"-Tara

"Its that place that told you, you had good hair. Back when you had hair"-Nina

"I dont think your smarter than the NASA App dad"-Joe

"I think I am"-Bernie

"But, I think he's a better bullshitter"-Nina

"Do you know what ala-mode means Hillary? It means ice cream on top"-Tara

"It means 'In the Fashion'"-Bernie

"Check that on your Nasa App pal."-Bernie

"Did you know in the 80's people used to have one long finger nail so they could snort coke"-Bernie

"Thats why they took those tiny little spoons out of McDonalds"-Nina

"This is why I wear my shorts short. I got it on my thigh"Joe V. (regarding the salsa that landed on his thigh)

"I wikipedia'd it but, it didn't sigh like you did so I didn't know how bad it was"-Tara

"Blaring Totally Fucked the whole way there"-me (they made me record it so there was record that I said it...)

"People with nice teeth usually are nice. I mean they have the patience to floss"-Tara 5/21

"Is your ketchup empty or full over there?"-Waitress

"Uh full...TOMATOES"-Tara

"Yeah, ive seen some of your glamour shots"-Tara (to Nina)


"Im going to be shrimp scampi and you're going to be egg plant"- Joe


***They proceed to rock paper scissors it...eggplant wins and Joe orders Shrimp Scampi***

"Hes just so tall and there is this tiny little bow tie and it gets lost in proportion"-Nina

"Well you cant blame me. Im not wearing a seatbelt"-Jackie (regarding falling over on the tram at Disney)

"Cool because the lady sitting next to me must live at home, alone, with her cat"-Uncle Mike

"Oh, my god Im-a-were-a creeper"-Tara

YUCK....GIANT, GIANT YUCK! Seriously....I will never look at that the same way again.

"She doesnt appreciate my humor. And, you know what she should. Because she lives in the Eustis/Leesburg area which means I am the coolest thing she'll ever meet"-Tara

"He looks like a middle aged midwestern man but short"-Tara

How does one really reply to that?

"Put on your eatin shirt were going to crispers"-Tara

You have crazy weird friends...I am your friend. What in the world does that say about me?

"Dont spit out your food or your boogers"-Tara

"Without my ridiculous your blogs go unfunny and your laughs, un-teared."-Tara Whitman...

"No, no, no stupid-ed, yet important also"-Mr. Ben Rush

Another chapter down in my "Melting Down Through Laughter" book. :)

So...I was confused on how to fix something on my mac....I asked Jenna...this is what proceeded to happen...

"go to finder and select your folder (it probably says hillary)

then drag the documents folder from there to places and doc"-Jenna


Thank you

You rock!"-me

"it was bret and he says that will be 5 million dollars. I hope you played the loto and won.


"I'd go to LA for him. He's my male Sho Sho counterpart :)"-Rob Guest

"I think gentleman should only have facial hair if they are in a show. If you are not in a show no facial hair for you"-Tara (she went on to say that facial hair would be condoned if hunting but only in the winter not in the summer)

"Like seriously, theres water coming out of your face"-Joe V.

"Try again buddy. You could have brought me a ho-ho at least"-Tara

"I just got stitches"

"Oh, okay"-Tara (like it was no big deal)

"btw shoshana bean has a tumblr now"-Joe V.


are you a shosho lover too?"-me

"of course

i mean, maybe not as big as our heterosexual friend rob guest

but i like her"-Joe V.


"Are they going to say inappropriate things like, 'I put out for hoops' or 'I can clean the glass with my ass'"-Tara

"I didn't lie, I just with held information"-Ashley W.

"Id squish you if your butt glowed"-Tara

"It means get friendly with her in a romantic way"-Aunt Elizabeth (explaining what "hit on" means to children)

"If you want a love life no facial hair "-Tara

This makes me smile... .

"Know why its important to buy wine often? You always have a weapon"-Tara

"and now i shall retire

to bed...not to sarasota"-Mr. Ben Rush


"You are not good at multi tasking"-Willsey

"Ive decided you're the girl next door type. I mean your cute, you're moderately wholesome but, slightly naughty. And, you have good hair."- Miss. Willsey Later she added "and you wear cardigans" (Does this make you so made me....moderately wholesome??)

"I dont know if I love the stars at the bottom though

I am not sure they are needed"-me

"I enjoy stars"-Tara

"I just dont get their place"-me

"um well, the one at center is there for me

and next to it, yours

and next to it, jen's"-Tara

"LMAO.. this commerical just came on, and it for some reason makes me think of how u'd talk if u got upset. haha. so i found it on youtube."- Rob Guest (not true!)

So, this song perfectly relates to you and where you are..."Sort Of" by Ingrid Michaelson

"Thats a lot of Frappe. Get it? Cause its like crap"-Tara

"im not trying to be a jerk

im just curious"-Rob Mobley

"I like this song its sexy"-Tara

"No matter how thick skinned we try to be, there's millions of electrifying nerve endings in there. Open and exposed and feeling way too much. Try as we might to keep from feeling pain, sometimes it's just unavoidable. Sometimes that's the only thing left - just feeling."

"Did I just get the 'You're a girl in my phone' official mass text?"-me

"I think thats enough. Its pretty random and mostly truthful"-Tara

That makes me sad...because you know nothing about that and you have forever ruined one of my favorite things.

"I even scripted that to Hillary Drew language"-Tara

"Let me just read you the deserts. Hold on a minute"-Nina

There are some crazy people out there dating other people....

"Tara you can not make out with Rob Mobley right now because he has facial hair"-me

"Oh, yeah, Hillary cuz thats the only thing holding me back"-Tara

"I am sure you are far more qualified to take down a boy than Megan Fox because she doesn't eat and you do"-Willsey

"I used to hold hands with my friend in elementary school and people used to make fun of us because they said we were gay. But, we didn't know what gay was and we found out and didn't want people to think that we were gay. Irony"

"But everything youll never be You already are to me You were only five years old Playing princess in your mothers clothes Could you feel me standing next to you With my plastic sword and playground shoes Saying if my dear Im Lancelot, Dragons couldnt fell me now. Because everything youll ever be You already are to me"

Can you please just not pop up married.....I would like to know in advance....

"It would be like Mother Theresa and Adolf Hitler got together and formed a scrabble club"-Ashley Willsey

"Date him! Kiss him! cuddle him! Perhaps do dirty dirty things with him?!"-Marci (ridiculous)

"No, it's okay I just didn't want you to tell me something super cool. I just wanted you to tell me superficial things"-Tara

"From a year we've come full circle"-Mr. Ben Rush (I hope not)

"Meredith: So you and Lexie..
Alex: What?
Meredith: I mean I'm just saying you and Lexie are a thing now, not just...
Alex: I'm
acting like a duck.
Meredith: What?
I figure if you walk like a duck and quack like a duck, you eventually start to feel like a duck. And Lexie is nice and normal and healthy. I'm acting like a guy who can stick with nice, normal and healthy.
You're becoming a duck.
I am becoming a duck. " (Willsey, this was for you)

"I graduated college without a love child or an STD I qualify as sane"- Ashley Willsey

"First of all thats ridiculous and I could vomit on you"-Tara

"I want a picture of you with strippers. Best facebook default EV-AH!"-Willsey

"im here all week....till forever!"-Mr. Ben Rush

"Hillary were evil..."-Tara

"Nev-ah... to him, maybe, but to you, nev-ah!"-Willsey

"If you have a crush on me, dont call me love. But, if you don't, call me love"-Tara

Experience with? That means what?

Someone said to me recently...If you have to think about it...than maybe its wrong. I am starting to believe that in fact this could be very true. In lots of aspects of my life.

"Ask most people what they want out of life and the answer is simple - to be happy. Maybe it's this expectation though of wanting to be happy that just keeps us from ever getting there. Maybe the more we try to will ourselves to state's of bliss, the more confused we get - to the point where we don't recognize ourselves. Instead we just keep smiling - trying to be the happy people we wish we were. Until it eventually hits us, it's been there all along. Not in our dreams or our hopes but in the known, the comfortable, the familiar."

"I don't remember that"-me
"Would you like me to make that memorable?"-Tara

"I am trying too hard to be in the blog tonight"-Joe

"Whats the other harlot from the Bibles name? I forgot, I blanked out"-Tara

"Gosh darn it. My whip stitch is messed up"-Joe Vatter

"You're going to feel like a schmuck in a minute. Let me stop laughing"-Tara (I in-fact did)

"Why did I agree to make a poster? Because I care about what this show looks like. Not like some people"-Joe

"This is Karma for using the crush"-Tara

"First of all you guys look great"-Joe (to the children Joe costumed)
"Which means, your welcome"-Tara

"Here i'll eat this. You don't have to fight over it"-Joe

"Your mouth is loud and my ears are close"-Tara

"Bless your little heart"-Nina V. (In the best little southern accent)

"Hillary no. If you're going to take something off its not going to be my back brace"-Tara

"Can I have your little left over?"-Tara

"I thought about you today guys. I was scrubbing dishes..."-Heather Good

"Braniac" (points to Heather)-Joe
"Thespian" (points to me)-Joe
"Jock"(points to himself)-Joe
"Cheerleaders are Jocks. What I could be a cheerleader"-Joe

"I dont mind"-Joe
"Eww gross, I am sorry I set that up"-Tara

"I usually don't get shrimp this late at night"-me

"Thats so true cause thats the meanest you could ever be to shake a stick at someone"-Tara (regarding Miss. Good)

"Can we just get some extra lemons too"-Joe
"Don't say anything"-Joe

"I still think it can be transmitted by making out so, dont make out with Joe"-me
"Check, done"-Heather Good

"Can you get this salt off my glass?"-Heather
"Its sugar"-Tara

"You don't know about my past, and
I don't have a future figured out.
And maybe this is
going too fast.
maybe it's not meant to last,

But what do you say to taking chances,
What do you say to
jumping off the edge?
Never knowing if there's solid ground below
Or hand to hold, or hell to pay,
What do you say"

"I really want to see that dear juliet movie because it looks like a cute chick flick and no one I hang out with really screams cute chick flick"-Marci

"so, your saying I scream cute chick flick?"-me

"well more than dan at least...haha preggo charlene will also be in town that weekend and I told her I would see it with her she does scream cute chick flick"-Marci

"Wait, listen to this its about to be so politically incorrect and inappropriate and it has bad words involved and I am not going to censor it at all"-Joe

"I dont like when you pretend say things to me"-me
"I dont like when you bulldoze me with your body"-Tara

"I was debating weather or not to tell you guys because Hillary's here"-Joe

I can not wait to be in Colorado....Cant wait.

"Will this turn to glue?"-Joe

"It says your very worldly"-Heather
"What? I didn't get it. I just went with it"-Joe
"Oh, thats clever. That was good"-Joe

"I say power to the trees"

**Sipping Heathers drink**
"I dont like it"-me
"Yeah, its too girly"-Tara
(High fives)
"Heather you could drink with Ben Rush"-Tara
"Yeah, he gets that blue thing. Its like Cotton Candy in a glass"-Joe V.

"There was a time our happiness seemed never-ending. I was so sure that where we were heading was right. Life was a road so certain and straight and unbending. Our little road with never a crossroad in sight. Back in the days when we spoke in civilized voices-women in white and sturdy young men at the oar. Back in the days when I let you make all my choices. We can never go back to before"

**Rubbing my elbow on Joe's**
"Are you trying to tell me something?"-Joe
"Yes, this means I want to make out with you"-me
"No thank you"-Joe
"No! No! Geographic Tongue"-Tara and Heather

"Theres this song about scrubs. Im a scrub, you're a scrub, were all scrubs"-Heather Good

"And, I remember thinking that the worst part was that we didnt have electricity and I couldn't iron my clothes so I was wrinkled all the time!!"-Joe (regarding Hurricanes)

"Do you think a dog would drink a gin and tonic?"-Joe

"Clinical Messaging Two. Thats where I learned how to fix people"-Heather

"And my mother doesn't act???"-Joe V. (In a very please.... voice)

"I spoke for you so I said two things. Although I should have said 'Gee Golly Swell'"-Tara

Okay, I am about to step up onto my soap box for a minute. After seeing Spring Awakening which I was completely enthralled with, completely utterly enthralled. I just cant get one thing off my mind. How can people still believe that we should teach abstinence only in schools? It didn't work in the 1800's and it doesn't work now. Don't get me wrong I am personally anti being sexually promiscuous and such. I think that one should really love and care for the person they are with. But, people will make different choices. Everyone is not me and thank the Lord for that. It makes things interesting. As long as your happy I am happy for you. But, how can anyone believe that everyone is going to think the same way. And, how can we as adults not arm those who will make these choices with the education and knowledge about how to keep themselves safe if they choose to make the one that is completely natural for their bodies to want.

"This is like the princess in the pea bed"-Tara

**Walking through Heather Good's Yard in the dark, in the middle of the night, in the middle of nowhere woods....I mean you have to have a passport to get there**
"Whats that noise"-Me
"Are you sure?"-Me

"I thought you were at least thirty"-Mariah
"I get that a lot"-Jen B.
"Its just your face"-Delaney

"This place is like a scary movie at night but so pretty during the day"-Joe

I am so ready to be part of Jen's entourage....lets do this.

"Do not come over here without my phone. This is a phone emergency, I need my phone stat."-Joe

"This is like happy"-me
"I wish we had magic juice"-Joe

"I think were the only people except for the people who made that website that know about Magic Juice"-Joe

"is in fact not love but the method by which one contracts hepetitis C"- Willsey

"Move my feet or move my feet to the street"-Joe

I was talking to someone today about giving people second chances. And, I am a firm believer in them...I am an idealist. I expect people to do good and I believe people can change. But, what I am finding is that I have to have respect for you for me to think you deserve a second chance. If I don't respect you I don't expect you to do better.

"That girl looks like a gay Michelin Man"-Joe

"Sweet Caroline Bum, Bum, Bum"-Joe, Tara, Heather, Me

"Nature appendages. NAP"

"Wheres your sense of adventure"-Heather Good
"I left it on the river"-me

"I dont really know so I am just going to be silent now. Can that please be okay?"-me (after I fell out of a tree and after Heather asked me what hurt.....everyone else thought this was funny)


"A sun in their planets"-Joe

Dont hurt people I care for. Actually just don't hurt people.

"Are these not two for one?"-Tara (referring to her Margarita
"They are they just put them all in the same bowl"-Nina (They were giant)

"You have one of the most amazing voices I have ever heard. Are you a swinger?"-Heather G.

"I have to share my syphilis again?"-Tara

Thank you for being a part of my life...I don't think I say it enough...

