Who knows.......
Colorado was lovely, and a little weird.
Joshua Kirk + the grocery store + condoms + me unloading the cart…..and well the statement "God Blesses it now" enough said.
Don't be so hard on yourself….your amazing.
I am
about you.
You are going to get through this.
I am not used to dealing with this anymore.
Please start thinking. I love you. I don't know how much more people can take.
Jake Goldman if I did not know you and you weren't related to Miss. Christine Goldman I would have a little crush on you.
The "tape of love" may be the funniest thing I have ever heard…..check out Flight of the Concords it will make you laugh.
You don't seem to get it. That worries me.
"That's just shows how committed I was to the joke"
"Hey dad are we a hundred percent polar bear?"
I love the YMCA…..it make me smile.
Congrats to Girl Named Kyle and specifically Peter for winning the
best new band in Denver!
Nice Job……
I have a major love for the Goldman family….
Lesbian bars may be better than straight ones….Seriously…..especially country western ones. - I have to end this statement with the fact that I am straight…..I don't want any weird phone calls.
I love my family……
Miss. Katie taught me how to two step…..thank you so very much. Although that is something I should never be allowed to do ever again…seriously.
African dance classes are excessively cool. Katie Bowlby you were fantastic.
I puffy heart pajama's….
Happy Birthday Katie Bowlby……
Mojito's are fantastic.
Guess who brought me a necklace made of really cool glass from Italy……Phillie.
Trust falls at Jumping Adhesive Grasshopper's house off of Kitchen counters are ridiculous. And although it took me forever to do it I FINALLY did. Thanks for believing in me and for lots of fun!
Oh and new friends…..I am excited about those.
Starbucks with old friends literally for an entire day is wonderful. Just enjoying people's company, there is nothing better than that.
Hair cuts by the wonderful Christine Goldman are amzing as well as Beehive day!
I should have been born in the 50's!
Driving around and randomly ending downtown and chai tea egg nog lattes…..smiles.
Thai basil. - mmmmmmm
Getting caught in a tornado AGAIN…..I should not even talk about consuming alcohol.
Breakfast King may be my new favorite place.
National Treasure 2 for the 2nd time might even be better.
Hoodies are meant for scary movies.
I am seriously in love with the book The Irresistible Revolution…..everyone NEEDS to read this book, I will even let you borrow it.
Decisions about what to do next year are difficult.
I am really considering the house…..I adore this idea.
Happy Birthday Mimi…..
Waiters who sit at your table and hit on you freak me out.
Cupcake shops should have Chai tea cupcakes…..it's a must.
Mexican resturaunts with friends are lovely.
Boy Ashley as a host makes me smile.
"You got the GOOD salsa."
"Do you think you would get wet?"
Heather Good I am glad we play.
I need a Disney day.
I don't think the rest of the world can handle the American dream.
Elijah you are hysterical and well I still may make you watch High School Musical 1 & 2.
I love conversations with Jenna and Lauren…..they make so much sense.
I am becoming a bit more intrigued than usual…..it needs to stop……things happen in Gods time.
I have a very different outlook on relationships than I have in the past. Thank you Lauren and Jenna.
Melanie I really enjoy you.
New Years Eve was a blast. And a bit more expensive than I was expecting.
Marci Williams we need to talk now. Oh and tell the boy to step away from the Webkinz......
Kacy- how is yours as well?
Nicole Goldman you are far too kind.
I hope you are loving Mexico!
Christine and I are going on a trip around the world............ in like 3 years.
Thanks for hanging up posters with me.
Julia you are fantastic.
Untill next time.............
Another fun day at Camp! (By Josefina, Kaya, and Kit)
Hi everyone! Camp PineLake has been going great, and it's been fun staying
in a cabin with the rest of our friends. Today when we went to the dining
hall ...
12 years ago