So..that was entirely unexpected.
When chatting on the computer....please use some sort of punctuation. It doesn't even have to be the correct punctuation....just some kind please. This will make the chance that I understand you far greater.
Your a good one.
"Mistakes are a fact of life. It is the response to error that counts." Nikki Giovanni
"Yeparooski" - The best word ever that my little bigger than me brother made up :)
So you are absolutely flirting with me...I am confused.
I was the coughing girl...I hate that.
So, I absolutely am in love with Jubal's Kin
"I heard a kid say "for serious", and I think it's adorable." -Mr. Jacob Goldman...for the record it is adorable.
Joe -"So, I got off the phone with you and my friend was like, "who is this Hillary girl should I know her?" "And, I was like "yeah she's nice" She was like "how old is she?" Joe" 23" "Oh, my gosh she looks 12" - YEP I get that all the time.
"you never really know someone until you've had recess with them..." -Erika....and Oh, so true.
It was kinda a phone game.
"Is someone trying to poison me?" -Uncle Mike (referring to the celery in his salad :))
She might be having a little party.... or laughing at me...I bet shes laughing.
Think about it...please.
Sydney White: Just to clarify, I spend a normal amount of time in the bathroom.
Del Taco excursions....amazing.
Not sleeping was worth it...
"You've got shoes I've got moves...lets go dancing"
I may have made my first and final "that's what she said" joke....
Miss. Heather Good- I am allowed to use UGH if I would like. :)
Tyler: The Kappa's are our sorority sisters.
Sydney White: Oh! So we'll be like brother and sister? [Tyler gives her a weird look]
Sydney White: Oh, not in the related, familiar way, but more the fraternal-sororal, sororital... is that a word? ok.
Phillie: "i think the world of you"
me: "and, I of you"
My father got me pepper pepper spray at that :)
"haha my theory is he is cute because he has ridiculously good taste and only someone who can knock you off your feet could get you this discombobulated"- Miss. Marci Williams
I am a thinker...
"My mother said to me, “If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.” Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso.”
I agree with Joe...this needs to be my this its fun.
"Choosing to not make a decision is in fact making one" -The Aunt Elizabeth...I should really remember that. Also, this wasn't directed at me.
Mr. Joe Vatter you miss quoted me :)
me: "so, I think that people come into other peoples lives for reasons and, I came into yours to fix your ice cream habits"
"I love baby smell, its like heroine."
"An Adventure in Karate: How I KICKED Alcoholism and PUNCHED My Life Towards Success" By Jake Goldman.
I saw this stenciled with spray paint on the concrete at the gas made me sad.... "Strangle art in its infancy and society will be a better place." -WRONG
"let me catch my breath
this is really hard
If I start to look like I'm sweating, well, it's cause I am
I'm not good with words
but that's nothing new
still I have to try to explain what I want to do....with you"
"So were not the youngest people here"- Joe he points to an 8 year old.
"I can always eat. Like I could eat everyday." -me "Um, me too." -Joe Vatter
"you are the most beautiful woman on this side of the equator"
"Always kiss me goodnight"
* I swear you WERE a boyscout...
"We naturally think more negatively now because of how the world is" -On a discussion of who thought the priest "did it" from Doubt. It is just sad.
Tide Pens in Joe Vatters bag make me smile.
I may have taken a quick trip to CO this weekend...sort of :)
I love when people smile.
"Gotta catch my breath"
There has to be an intelligent younger but older soul kinda boy least one.
"This is wanting something, this praying for it, This is holding breath and keeping fingers crossed...."
So, I know your not sure how you do it. I do....your just pretty amazing.
Yay! For unexpected crazy and fun weekends!
Me, adding Mr. or Miss. in front of your name, or using your entire name is a form of endearment....
I may have done something I said I wouldn't. And, at the moment I am pretty okay with it.
"I think we just need to think that people have ulterior motives because than we will be more prepared and not caught off guard." - Miss. Heather Good
- I by the way loved it when you said it...but, now looking at it, it makes me a little sad. I am going to choose to expect good things and that people mean what they say....
"One time is one thing but two..."
I knew their was a story....
"Its like playing chess...." -The Uncle Mike...
"I am so good at those sliders. maybe soon i can teach daddy all i know so he can be smarter like me. i love you! coley"
MNSSHP was super fun...and I stole the below from the Wilsey Blog....

Yeah...were this cute...
- Michael Jackson costumes spotted: 2
- Pirate costumes: Dozens
- Group costume Win: The Village People
- Number of people who “Found” Waldo: 14
- Number of people who recognized and loved Ashley’s costume: 12+
- Number of people who commented on Ben’s costume: 0
- Girl’s phone numbers collected by Steven: 2
- Carousel rides: 2
- Longest ride wait time: 15 min
- Shortest ride wait time: 0 min
- Rides we got stuck on: Big Thunder Mountain.
- Safety Violations: At least 5
- Photos taken: 173 (this by the way is without mine...)
- Photos posted: 2:53am
- Amount of fun had: Immeasurable.
Ashley: (talking about gay friends) “A” is the man in the relationship.
Ben: Wait… “A” is the man? He wears the pants?
Ben: So “B” wears the skirt?
Ashley: Yeah. If you saw them together, you would know.
Ben: Hmm. I think it’s more like “B” wears the skirt and “A” wears the skort.
“They put serial killers in here for hours or even days right before they crack them!” – Ben remarking on “It’s a Small World”
Ben: I have really good self-control.(Hillary and Ashley dissolve into a fit of giggles. Ben pouts.)
“Hold hands. No dancing.” – Our interpretation of Disney ride safety instructions
Ashley: (talking about the gas pedal in the slow race car) Push it! PUSH IT!
Hillary: (for the first time in recorded history) That’s what she said!
I can not wait to play with Miss. Tara...
Dreams...well, they are just that. I am not sure what I think of them exactly. I know that they mean something. But, not necessarily what you think they do.
Fall....please stay forever....
Let's just see whats next.
"It's just you and me, we'll live you'll see." "Day after day, wishing all our cares away, trying to fight the things we feel, but some hurts never heal, some ghosts are never gone, but we go on... we still go on.... and you find some way to survive..." "And when the night has finally gone, and when we see the new day dawn, we'll wonder how we wandered for so long so blind.... the light will make it look brand new.....
so let it shine... ... ... there will be light."
So, I apparently didn't get it. Sometimes I am oblivious.
"That would be worse than a roach" - Aunt Elizabeth (Referring to a large bear eating from ones freezer in the garage) the way it did not happen.
GRAMMA'S Home! :)
Talking in ones sleep on an airplane...super funny. I am done...I may have missed some things...oh well there is always tomorrow...
a) Thanks for the old soul wish and hope. =)
b) In context alterior motives WAS a good thing. Read out of context it is not, ergo definitely expect good in everyday life.
c) you stole direct N2N from my blog =) LOL Love it =)
d) Heart you like crazy!
ps - my word verification for non-anonymous comments = nactiab... I feel like that should be a real word.
I was quoted! I was quoted!
and I do think the world of you, missy.
I'm sad I missed MNSSHP. :(
<3 you with all my heart!
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