Mousey's Cake

The lighting of the cake.


Mousey enjoying the cake.

See I'm smiling.

- Dandelion Cafe
- Shopping with Jen B.
- Possible Disney day
- And who knows what will happen between.
The made piping skills came to good use once again.
I am super excited to meet the Phillie boy.
Julia...."Please. You like polite People"
"Crap, Crap, Crap, Crap Crap" To the tune of RENT
Additions to Summer to Do List:
- Go geocashing
- Feed ducks
- Picnic
I am not a chance taker....sad. On the list of things to fix.
My Aunt is amazing....AMAZING. Oh how she makes me sane. ( Part of it is probably the Imagine World Peace)
Not really sleeping for 3 weeks is starting to catch up with me. :(
Somehow I know.
Will you please talk to someone I think it might help. And, I need you to be okay.
Marci...we are friends because you call me out on my crap. Thank You. Also for a lot of other reasons too :).
That was a good story although it would have been better with a vampire in a pink Tu-Tu.
Jason Mraz = Love.
I must see the Joe Video.
Harry Potter the Musical could be amazing.
YOU are much more than just the pretty one. I am worried for you.....you are so much more than you think. I don't know how to fix your hurt and it hurts me to see you like this. You are amazing. I hope you get that.
"All I would like in my life, what I wish for so very much, is to someday have the strength and be free of the resentment and anger that I carry around with me like Linus' blanket for just long enough to become one of those people who is better than the worst thing that happens to her. How I would love to be that woman."~Elizabeth Wurtzel -This makes me terribly sad.
Grave Yards weird me out....not because they are creepy or frightening or anything like that. But, because to me the people are not there anymore....the concept of going and being with them makes little sense to me.
Also, seeing graves of people born the same year as me who have passed on for "Operation Iraqi Freedom" angers me. I feel like we were all lied to and that in my book is not okay.
Father's Day:
- Delicious Too Jays Bagels
- Olive Garden (too early after the delicious Too Jays bagels)
- Home Depot for flowers
- Grave Yard
- Talked to my Father :)
- Home to Walk the Bear
- UP
I refuse to EVER spiral down.
My gramma informed me today that I dress like a floozy. This is not the first time she has done something like this....once she asked me if I was pregnant. Just ask I will gladly explain.Really? You can not cover up everything....people have to take responsibility for their actions at some point. It is good for them... Let them do it.
"I love you the most"..."Not Possible"UP was superb and just lovely in general.
I want to eventually find the kind of love in UP....heart melting..... But, if I go first I want my significant other to continue the adventures.
"Sometimes, it's the boring stuff I remember the most. " - That is the way it should be.
"Thanks for the adventure. Now go have one of your own. "
"So do you like barock music?" -hahahaha Oh how I love the Uncle Mike.
I am out....maybe more tomorrow.....
fabulous park with my girlies and dandelion cafe. :)
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