Friday, February 19, 2010

"Never cast Hillary Drew's kids in a show"

So...I am missing part of this page in the notebook...please help me fill in the blanks....

Never cast Hillary Drew's kids in a show"- Mr. Benjamin Dixon Rush

" just to make you smile"-Marci

"hahaha....okay...going there now "-me

"Oh, you're such a good jew"-Debbie Sussman

I cant keep doing this.

"This one tastes like Valentines Day to me"-Tara

"Do you know him? He gets the stupidest tattoos"-Phillie

"Not, necessarily. I mean stitches they have got to close the floppy skin"- me

"He's so cute, I want to put him in my pocket and take him home"-Willsey

" are my anyway friend."
" anyway friend is the one person in your life who, no matter what they say or do, no matter what they've been through with you, they love you anyway. So my sincerest hope is that for Maya, Dink, and for Dink, Maya, is that anyway friend."

"No, play dates with Hillary Drew's kids"-Mr. Benjamin Dixon Rush

Not so okay with that.

"Or in witness protection. With a new identity."-Ashley
"YES! Maybe I will start going with that as my reason"-me

"You fold his hands and smooth his tie you gently lift his chin. Were you really so blind, and unkind to him?"

"Thats why I need to have a lot because I am going to need a full crew"-Benjamin Dixon Rush


"No, you should celebrate your love whenever its cheaper"-Debbie S.

"May I see your ticket?"-Usher
"I dont have one"-Phillie
"Are you supposed to have one?"-Usher

"I figured it out. This is where all of the college girls go to meet their professors to raise their grades"-Tara

"Please do not hurt my friend"-me (to Curtis)

"Oh, I hate it. My mother was drunk when she named me I think"-Patron

So, I think my new strategy is going to be to always agree with you.

"As you can tell were in a mean game of dominoes, so can I call you back later?"-Melanie V. (Melanie is in a mean game of dominoes with an adorable 3 year old-I need some of that in my life)

"Quote this, woah is he"-Tara

"trust works for all things true, beautiful, and abiding"-Rob M.

"I think that possibly, maybe I'm falling for you..."

Thank you for the smiley face.

"Cant you just send someone in your place?"-Ashley
"No, because I have to write a paper"-me
"Cant you just send someone who would be willing to see the show and write your paper?"-Ashley
"Oh, cause thats the best plan you have ever had"-me

You two should not talk.

"Is that him? All boys look the same."-Tara

Oh, the myspace photo...

"I dont have judging eyes"-me
"No, but you can do them like this"-Ashley (As she impersonates them)
"Yeah, like that" -Ashley W.(As I do it too)

What if...

"It's okay you're a vegetarian technically you eat bird food"-Rob G.

"You could be that boy, but i'm not that girl"

"Bacon, carrot biscuits"

"Dunno. Look into carrier pidgeons I guess."-Willsey

"Mmmm, I look delicious"-Mr. Rush

"Optimistic is what the weather man is, no your a-flutter"

“I’m thinking of removing that element from my repertoire.” - Willsey

"Whats the big M word?"-Tara

"We wouldn't do this, but I am just showing you"-Tara

How do you get married to someone like that?

"And, I respect your political views more"-Debbie
"Thank you, I respect my own political views as well"-me

"I said lovely. Did you get that?"-Tara

"Cause sometimes you don't get it. It's your own language"-Tara

"Your kids will come over to my kids house and be like Ashley, and than you will do the judging eyes"-Ashley W.

"But Hillary, in order to have kids you have to first do other things"-Mr. Ben Rush
" what?"-Me
"Sex"-Mr. Ben Rush

"I'm not trying to get rid of you. People even take their pets with them"-Bob Marks (asking if I was moving to Boston with the Scholls)

I do not dress like Sara Palin.

“So it’s a solid 2.5.”

"You can be my person....Im going to do a raffle"-Tara

"Sweet on each other"-Benjamin Dixon Rush

"Don't screen capture this"-Willsey

“Curse you Perry the Platypus!!” – me ( I forget that some people will not get this)

“I would rather slit my wrists and eat tinfoil than watch FOX News… imagine how ouch that would feel?” – Rob G.

Oh, my goodness.

“Don’t make plans, make options.” – Jennifer Aniston

“I told him to be safe and SMART.” – me (After seeing this it makes me think of what my mother said to me every time I left the house as a teenager...."no sex, no drugs, no alcohol")

"She is seriously going to be smited.” – Rob G.

Yeah, sometimes you have to be funny to be quoted.

“I just want you to know that
Lyle is backing me up on this and we are willing to bet money.” – Francie (You darling will never know)

Ashley W.: Are you in?
Me: For
stalking? Always!





period"-Rob Mobley

"You don't really have like hot pictures you have cute and very pretty pictures. But, you don't have like playboy pictures like your scantily clad on a beach in a bikini with your hair all toss-led"-Ashley W.

I think its funny how people have a very specific idea about this...they could be oh, so wrong.

"What about a cigar ring?"-Sy
"Well, I don't like cigars. I mean, I like bread at least"-me

"We must spend more time at MGM MUST"-Rob Mobley

“We can’t tell him we stalked him! We have to play dumb!”

Sometimes bears are just bears.

"I bet if you you had one you would be very quiet"-Francie Moon

"Please be responsible don't sext at the table"-Rob Guest

While watching hulu I came across this commercial and loved it....check it out here.

"I was actually quite restrained. I didn't call him a fachaist which is what I was thinking"

Don’t write that down!” – Rob G.

"No, I just felt like hardcore meat tonight"-Willsey

"I challenged him. I challenged him in public and thats what happens. If you don't smile and nod than men get very threatened"

"She works at Universal?"-Rob G.
"Only seasonally, only for Harry Potter"-Tara

"I wouldn't lock you in. I wouldn't have any ice cream left"-Audrey (from Strawberries)

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