It's funny how I can go from being completely okay with it one minute and not the next. UGH.
"ive decided
im going to be spider-man when i grow up
the end"-Rob Mobley
"Bret was just the next guy in a lifetime series of guys"-Jenna
"I still don't love them"-me
"I don't know why not. You don't love compliments?"-Joe V.
"Your love is better than ice cream
Better than anything else that Ive tried
And your love is better than ice cream"- Sarah Mchlachlan (I hope so...because than I have some good stuff ahead of me...)
This feels odd...
"The good news is that Bret is on your side!"-Jenna
"Im gonna compare that to a kiss....that was like when you go to kiss your best friend on the cheek and half of your lips touch and your like uhhh that was awkward"-Ingrid (loosely quoted)
"You should just respond with tee hee hee so no one will know if you agree with him"-Uncle Mike
"Why does it sound British? Because British people say their sounds"-Andrew Lewis
"Try some lamaz when you're feeling meltdownish =0)"-Heather Good
"I agree with that statement"-me
"Me too thats why I said it"-Marci
Um, that heartbeat is NOT okay....
"Michael was the best man at his wedding"-Aunt Elizabeth
"You mean they pick favorites?"-Katie
"Um, lets test your sweetener abilities"-Tara (I passed with flying colors)
"Or banana cream pie"-Benjamin Rush
"I should put real clothes on today huh Katie"-me
"Well, as far as I am concerned you're not naked"-Katie
"Are you getting under the covers right now?!?"-Joe V.
"Not all relationships are meant to last even when you are in love. Some love stories are short stories but they are love stories all the same"
"You should see me spin webs"-Rob Mobley
"No afro fro you"-Tara
5 hours and 55mins...crazy pants.
"I would make such a good boy wouldnt I!?
I could woo ALL the girls"-Marci
"Stupid boys...your never gonna be one of those are you Coley?"-Jenna
"They take things serious about polkas in Wisconsin"-Aunt Elizabeth
"And, I second that"-Tara
I am not liking this place I am in right now...this is not me.
"You wont hear anything but maybe the video tape recording and the crunching of popcorn"-Jenna
"You can be my best friend"
"60% of the time....i laugh everytime"-Ben Rush
I think that is the best plan ever.
“i am thinking of you and wish you were here to drink some yummy tea with me.”-Jenna
“I wish I was too. I need a snow/Tea/Jenna Day”-me
“soon, and it will be so great!”-Jenna
“ snow though...and, yes it will”-me
“well you never know, it has snowed in june here before”-Jenna
“This is true...crazy but true”-me
“careful what you ask for”-Jenna
“hahahaha...I would not have the right attire”-me
“Well i would be willing to loan you stuff. i bet erika would too
we wouldn't let you stand in the snow in your shorts for too long”-Jenna
"I forget how much I love him. But, dont worry I wont get carried away"-Ashley Willsey
"It had a little butter bandage"-Mr. Ben Rush
"What makes it Irish butter?"-Katie
"Well, they jig while they churn it"-Tara
I hope you figure out who you are one day...and, I hope that you are brave enough to allow yourself to be it.
"I see some people in here who are not wearing green. And, I know its socially unacceptable but, I just want to go up to them and pinch them"-Joe V.
Yuck, I am learning far more than I wanted to know.
"I'm 23 and I wear old lady clothes and you cant stop me"-me
"Never. Not weed, not crack...nothing"-Rob Mobley (referring to what Rob smokes....)
"I'm tellin' you...cuz tomorrow they'll be smellin you!"-Uncle Mike
"Go team Hillary!"-Marci
This is not something to worry about it will be what it is and it will be right.
"Hello Mr. Fat Butter"-Jackie
"Do you have an umbrella? What color is your umbrella? Do you collect porcelin dolls? Are you familar with the game dominoes? I am ready with questions for a boring date"- Tara
"What boyfriend? has both of those things too...also...I think I am a little offended by the boyfriend question....I will be purchasing my own things thank you."-me to Peter(In British Accent of Course)
"And, hes doing the sexy voice"-Ashley W.
"That's the sexy voice?"-me
"This is a perfect arrangement because she is the shortest one, so she's front and center and you're standing behind her because you can totally see right over her and I am right here because I am the body guard ive got yalls back"-Tara
"Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts" (Sign hanging in Einstein's office at Princeton)
Apparently I type loudly....hmmm...
"Tara you are rude"-me
"No one calls me rude. Here have them all. How nice am I now? No, don't take those"-Tara
"In ratio to my life hours"-Mr. Benjamin Rush
"If this were the wild west he'd be a gonner"-Tara
"How'd you get mono from me?"-me
I am very at peace with this...
"Frosty is originally chocolate... And you can't take the chocolate out therefore their cant be a vanilla fosty. What is a vanilla frosty?"-Tara
"Look at that blimp it's legit flying around"-Joe
"Why do adults like it if it doesn't taste good?"-Katie
"Because it makes you look cool but only when you're only over 21"-Tara
"I might get kicked out of class...which would be counterproductive to learning
"-Heather Good
"In retrospect I am mad!"-Joe Vatter
I miss you.
"Posture Hillary (I stand up). You have such awful posture today"-Tara Whitman
"I have bad poster when I am tired"-me (Mr. Richards always tells me this)
"You have a somewhat evil look on your face that I have never seen before. I like it"-Tara
"NO! I have a heterosexual girl crush on her"-me
"This is how it goes we eat, you get tired and I have to be funny to save the hang out session"-Tara
"Yes but you give more honest, less biased answers"-Mobley (this is in fact true...I do)
Ingrid....SOOOOOOO unbelievably wonderfully good.
"No, im just trying to use my down below"-Tara
"Can somebody rub me?"-Joe V.
"Your only Aunty Floozy because your not a floozy, thats why Erika's goodie Two-shoes"-Jenna
"Because they do really stupid things like jumping off balconies at spring break"-Aunt Elizabeth
"But, Hillary it really is organic, when they go green they really go green"-Tara (talking about the greening of the Chicago River)
"I have hair all over me from the lion"-Mr. Rush (Father Rush)
I think its funny that that is so surprising to you.
"I am always in the middle of SOMETHING"-Marci
"Just marry someone who doesn't care about the home decor"-Tara
J, I finally did it and I love it.
"This makes me want to dance like this (fabulous dance comes next)"-Tara
"You don't even like girls"-me
"If I had a theme song it would be life of the party"-Tara
If you feel the need to use wax lips you should not be getting married.
"Goodness gracious golly gee"-me
"Thats too many g-rated comments"-Tara
Sorry...I am kind of like a grandma...
"What makes you want to vomit more?"-Tara
Sometimes I think I am seriously psychic...crazy pants...
"Let's make rainbows. That screams Hillary"-Tara
"its not my fault if she had a bad mcbarista"-Ben Rush
"I'm bunching up. These pants are too tight"-Joe
"You love us were hilarious and politically incorrect and its more fun that way"-Joe and Tara
"So, I am just pointing out that one of us will not be able to stand by Ingrid....I am the biggest Ingrid fan here so I am standing by her"-Joe V. (loosely quoted....whats funny is he didn't end up standing next to her...he got silent and just stood there)
"There is a bun in the oven"-Aunt Elizabeth
First dates should never be at a standing room only concert...awkward.
"Isnt that from the weird show you watch with the puzzle heads?"-Tara (um...yeah, Phineas and Ferb)
"Ummmm....he is darn cute"-me
"i know right"-Joe V.
"Like can he please be straight cute..."-me
"SORRY...he likes the mens"-Joe V.
"My head is more sturdy. I've got more stuff in it"-Tara (referring to the reason she should hold my sun glasses on her head)
Um....Disney I am a little disappointed...
Tara...your funny...your just not as funny as Ingrid Michaelson....
Happy Birthday
Donny My Love, Miss. Nicole Goldman, and Jeff Lindberg!
I hope they were fantastic!
Tour was great!
"There's a fine, fine line between a lover and a friend. There's a fine, fine line between reality and pretend. And you never know till you reach the top if it was worth the uphill climb. There's a fine, fine line between love and a waste of time."
"There you go, that was it"-Aunt Elizabeth
"I feel so full from this liter of soda I just drank"-Joe V.
"The clean up song is on here...are you ready for this?"-Andrea W.
"I made Ingrid laugh...I made your funniest person laugh that has to mean something!"-Tara
Apparently I put out a clear sense of self (I do have one) and therefore looks like I don't need other people. I do.
"You should do what my brother Howard says, and go get your Jew on"-Uncle Mike
"Old man...old man...old man...old man!"
"It will be worth it in the end because sex is totally worth it"-Jenna (Oh, Jenna you make me laugh all of the time)
You are always with me and it makes me smile.
"Your second funny to Ingrid Michaelson, thats a compliment more than anything"-Joe V.
It's flattering and nice to know....
"What do you think Tara, do you want to sniff pits"-Uncle Mike
"well heres the thing
i tried to send one for you and for tara....
but the 2 carrier pigeons i hired showed up to pick them up....and then just ate them
"-Mr. Ben Rush
Defenestrate: to throw out of a window
"Cant we just have an 80's dance party right now? Ok Go!"-Tara
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