"He offered you brie didn't he?...he knew that would get you."-me (referring to a boy or man trying to lure Ashley W. back to his place)
Lets be completely honest here...
So this Easter was filled with...a 4am wake up call, Sunrise Service, dresses, Sea World, delicious breakfast, shocking lighters, running barefoot after the ice cream man, a little nap, family, phone calls, ring pops, pictures, delicious Easter Dinner, an unexpected and AMAZING Easter Egg Hunt, laughter, Wii bowling, an adorable Ollie, a Ben Rush, and some amazing Whitmans...thanks for making it great.
"Than I was rassled to the ground which is when I took out the coffee table"-Ashley W.
"And, than they eat you"-Ben Rush
"But what do you put?"-Michael M.
"Get your fannies down to the theatre tomorrow."-Elizabeth S.
"But what do you put?"-Michael M.
"Get your fannies down to the theatre tomorrow."-Elizabeth S.
"Know what????"-Me
"Know wh-aat?
"-Heather Good (....she knows me soooo well)
"Indigo Girls...thats the quintessential lesbian band..."-Joe V. (regarding my love for them)
"via telephone -- Hillary in the self-check out at Winn Dixie (having problems scanning mint): ::automated teller: "Help is on the way, Help is on the way." -- Heather laughing a lot. =)" -This is Heather's account of the experience...it made me giggle.
“Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it.” –Lucy Maud Montgomery
Well thats interesting....
"That's an okay one to lose"-Ben Rush
"When Bret was a toddler he used to have a permanent dent in his forehead because whenever he would trip and fall he would value the stuff in his hands more than his face. I think thats how Coley's going to be"-Jenna Wilcox
"Were going to have to lose some hands. It's unfortunate but, it cant be helped"-Tara
I got it :)
"First of all you will do no such thing"-Me
"I see your fruit punch"
"Legs, and legs, and legs"-Michael M.
I guess it depends on what your looking for...
"In an episode of Seinfeld called “The Pick”, Jerry meets this very intelligent, very attractive woman and dates her for a time. As he is driving alone in the city one day, he reaches toward the passenger seat for something. On the way up, he reaches with his right hand and scratches the outside of his nose. Just at that moment, his new girlfriend is driving from the opposite direction, views him from the left, from which vantage point it appears that Jerry has his finger buried up his nose to the knuckle. Jerry waves, oblivious to what the girlfriend thinks she sees.
Later, Jerry is confounded when the girlfriend stops calling. Then, when he figures out that she thinks she saw him picking his nose, he goes to great lengths to try to convince her that he was actually scratching the outside of his nose (No ‘Pick’!). Needles to say, she doesn’t believe him and they never go on another date.
There is a simple message in this – you can spend a lot of time building a relationship and have it destroyed by a small action. It doesn’t matter what the action actually was (No Pick!). There is a great deal of power in perception. There was no way that Jerry’s girlfriend would ever be seen with him in public – such was the depth of the image she believed she witnessed."-Email via a professor at UCF
"Do not demand that things should happen just as you wish, but wish them to happen just as they do, and all will be well." -Epicetetus
"Well both be the harlets together"-Ashley W.
"There will be a shake and a rattle and a stone will be rolled away"-Andrea W.
"Look I dont want to pester you Sarah or become some nuisance you cant avoid. I have seen Morgan go down that road far too many times to count. And since I have already given the fancy, elegant version of the speech before I am just going to be honest, I love you. One more time just because it feels really nice to say, I love you. I feel like I have been bottling this up forever, I love you. Im sorry Im sorry I am getting out of hand. But, look you were right in Prague, you and I were perfect for each other and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Away from everyone else and away from this spy life.....we go to Mexico and after that anywhere you want to go. I would however like to see the Eiffel Tower at some point if that is at all possible. Don't answer now. Don't say a word, I don't want to have to convince you. I just want you to show up. I am going to kiss you now if that is okay (kiss). I am going to go home to pack, both summer and winter wear. I love you Sarah Walker.... always have."-Chuck (so freaking unbelievably cute)
Stop pursuing....
"He is so stupid"-me
"Yeah, Can we talk about how stupid he is...OMG he is so stupid"-Ashley W.
Tis life...
"Are those the questions? Who rocked it?!?!????"-Joe V. (to me)
My heart hurts.
"It will be intense and I will make you watch Broadway shows"-Phillie
You change your mind...
"I can't control my destiny. I trust my soul. My only goal is just to be."
"You can hold my son, but you never shake a baby"-Bret
"Instead of asking I was fishing"-Ashley W.
"You are so weird. Why don't you just ask me things?"-me
"I bet your teachers said you would never add up to anything"-Croix
"We subtract that statement"-E
"Its just an introduction...this is so and so....and this is so and so...I cant be held responsible for what happens after that"-Ashley W.
I miss Colorado people...like really.
"I'm very proud of you
"-Rob Guest
"Stop it...you are mocking me"-me
"I am, but in a loving way."- Rob Guest
"Listen to me, You did not go far enough Chuck. Sarah is special you know it I know it. And, if you love her if she is the one than you dont stop, you dont quit, you don't go too far."-Oh Chuck...LOVE IT.
"I'm just curious about your reaction to it... NOT a problem at all 
take your time otherwise your response will be skewed
and i don't want skewed. lol..skewing is bad or skewering? lol...both actually"-Heather Good
"I'm sorry. Are we supposed to know each other?"
"Definitely. I mean, we're supposed too. We don't...but we should."
"I think that was the final step in becoming a Floridian. Well, I don't know, I don't think there is a 12 step program. Actually the final step is you were born in Florida"-Phillie Shoop
"She's going to Dallas, Texas on June 17th"
"Did you pump the gas?"-Uncle Mike
"Yeah, you saw me. Here I have the receipt"-Aunt Elizabeth
Said receipt reads....gallons pumped 0, amount charged $0.00
I may have sort of crashed a box truck this week...yikes.
"UGH...that was Joe"-me
"But, the truth"-Joe
"We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours we join up with them and fall into mutual weirdness and call it love."
I hope you are brave enough....
"My feet are hot. Their incased in leather"-Joe V.
"Retrieved him and pulled him across the room"-Willsey
"See? You can be evil too ;)"-Willsey (Maybe just a little)
"See - weird would be a mocking term. I chose INTERESTING to show, that while different, also appreciated."-Rob Guest
"What I do today is important because I'm paying a day of my life for it."
"Hillary, you saved my bacon. Now I owe you big...I guess i'll let you love my son"-Jenna Wilcox
"They might catch on that i'm playing hooky in the physically here, but mentally away sense"-Heather Good
Just because something is easy and comfortable it doesn't mean that it is the best thing for you...easy does not equal best. Easy does not equal growth. Easy equals just that.... easy....lack of work.
"I speak words that are well...wait, I speak words that are true"-Marci
Who you think to set me up with is comical....
Joe: | Do you like this picture? |
Hillary: | You look anemiated, or whatever that word is. |
Joe: | You're thinking of emaciated or anemic... You combined anemic and emaciated.
"No. Walk"
"I meant a black southern baptist church if you did not get that from my impersonation"-Andrea
"Hillary I have to look for it....I am so sorry you just led you on"-Tara
"I've got to have some"-Mr. Whitman
"No you don't. Check your sugar first"-Mrs. Whitman
Laughing at figure skaters "falling on their asses" although part of Schadenfreude from Avenue Q is super funny...but, probably not super appropriate.
“Are you going to force-march me to Panera?” - me (That sounds funny for me to say)
Hello...not surprised....
"Well, I have to go look up bullfights now... don't ask."-Willsey
"No, I am asking..."-Me
“We’re hysterical. We made her spit up her drink!” – Tara
“When I wasn’t in that little kid group any more, it all broke loose.” – Andrea
“I don’t think you should put dirty words on an Easter egg...” – Tara
"Way to listen to the radio, Cardigan
"-Rob Guest (I kind of love that....it makes me smile)
“The odds of me getting married right now are just as high as the odds of me getting a pony... Well actually, the pony odds are higher. I can go out and get a pony on my own, but to get married, I have to convince some other person to go along with it!”
“I just want to watch what I know!!!” –me
“I wanna major in ponies!” – Very Mary Kate
“That’s REALLY awful... but it makes me laugh!!!” – me
“Can we please sleep in tomorrow? I’m VERY excited.” -me
“You gave out your phone number in your sleep.” - me (Willsey did...work ext. and all)
"I think he should wear it during The Wizard of Oz so the kids are not like 'look at his little dingle dingle'"-Tara
Waitress: Is that your boyfriend?
Ashley: No.
Waitress: Ex-boyfriend?
Ashley: No. We are just friends.
Waitress: (disappointed) Oh.
"Right here...this is your cute little butt"-Tara (In a voice that I am not sure could ever be mimicked)
"I wanted to make a hanging out with my peeps joke yesterday.... but my peeps are in FL. So i had to do the eggselent joke today"-Heather Good
“You’re a downtown girl!” – Waitress
"Your going to get a sugar high Ben. I mean sugar Rush"-Tara
“You smell like a lot of man!” – Ashley W. (to Mr. Guest)
We didn't know weather to get you easter eggs or easter bunnies or blue bell bunny ice cream. But, we thought hiding the blue bell ice cream in the back yard might melt it."-Mr. Whitman (loosely translated)
"You see I am psycho independent like you"-Kalyn (I may be a little psycho...)
"This made my heart happy, so I thought I would share it with someone who also makes my heart happy: 'I clicked the remote and filled the room with Ella which was classic and cliché all at the same time and that was okay because Sunday mornings were languid, like it was 90 degrees with a cool breeze and the ocean beating time outside our door. It was time for cliché'."-Marci Williams ( It also makes my heart happy....as do you...love you friend. This sounds like a perfect Sunday to me....all Sundays should be filled with old music, windows open, and pancakes)
"What is this. I came to see cute boys in tights and now you're telling me they like wearing them"-Andrea
"This is stupid. I hate this recording quotes thing"-Ben Rush
"I used to have a standard that I would date a guy who plays the guitar. But, than I learned that people don't actually learn they teach themselves and just make up who play the guitar teach themselves and make up chords. So, if I set that standard it might be a problem. What if I cant decide if they are classically trained or not trained at all"-Andrea W.
"I didn't voice bold that"-Joe Vatter
"Yes, we are Joe Vatter. Tango Tuesday well dance until the Margaritas are through. And, bump into strangers and see lots of haters."-Andrea W.
"Girl have you met me? Hi, my name is Tara I live in my pajamas"-Tara
"That's what she said"-me
"Thats what she said"-Ben (referring to Tara having already said it)
"That's what she said"-Tara
“I’m not anti-water, I’m just pro-Diet Coke!” – Rob G.
"I was watching my leg muscles in the mirror"-Tara
I think I prefer Tampa to Orlando...city wise.
"Its weird to live in a time where Jack Johnson is at Amway and the Back Street Boys are at Hard Rock. That's backwards"-Tara
"How fun would it be to get to exercise?"-Tara (regarding running up and down the stairs at Morsani ripping off signs)
“Can I be a bit of trouble?” – me
“Yes, he was the Persnickety Hamburger.” – Ashley W.
"I am soooo not a XXX quoter or quotee"-me and Mr. Guest....
"…All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well" -Julian of Norwich
“I don’t like that she has discovered the recording option... this could be deadly.” – Rob G.
“It’s breast milk. Put it away.”-Rob G.
“I can be a creeper... it’s just not going to be recorded.” – Rob G.
“I fell out of the bed... and I slept ON the comforter.” - Ashley W.
“I’m with friends... they’re ladies... and single... yeah, so if you want me to set you up with one... or both...” Rob. G (on the phone)
"I hope I don't spit up..."-Ashley W.
"STOP it"-me
"She's not so bad...my head just hurts a little bit."-me
"Oh, do you want some Aleve?"-Tara
"Oh, it must really hurt. You never take medicine"-Tara
"Black Jesus was hanging out of that church"-Phillie
"I ate the scariest hamburger today and thought of you"
"Its called IMDB go"-Lila Shoop
"I said the alphabet backwards"-Aunt Elizabeth
"I cant confirm that"-Elizabeth Scholl
"What are those things called? She might of had one of those on"-Michael Morman
"You mean you can talk to your phone?-Lila Shoop
"I want to know because I need to know when I need to run, I have no problem running"-Michael Morman
"You promised me you wouldnt run."-Elizabeth
"I am seriously going in my cat women outfit"-Debbie S.
"The girls were cleaner than I expected"-Tara
"Are you helping out with The Wizard of Oz?"-me
"I might do the bad witches makeup"-Andrea
"Just call her Elphaba, well all get it here"-Tara
"She's right there"-Tara
"I'll do it! I'll tell them Michael says"-Elizabeth
"She's now offended my eating abilities. Wait. I mean preferences"-Tara
"We could go split a banana split"-Tara
"Im not claustrophobic I just have a fear of being in small places and not being able to get out"-Ben Rush
"He's being the funcle the Fun Uncle"-Aunt Amy
"That's it... I fail as a lady
...I can work a farm and change tires... i'm screwed 
LOL"-Heather Good
This Necklace Will Light Up Any Outfit
There are a couple of ways a girl can get that "glow" people talk about:
1. Get pregnant. We hear this is a sure-fire way to glow. Of course, it involves several complications, some of which will be with you for the rest of your life. Possibly living in your basement.
2. Expose yourself to low levels of radiation. This one's nice because you might get a bonus super-power with it. But, once again, it leaves you with lifelong issues. Course it might not be that long if you pick the right irradiated materials.
3. Pick up one of these: the Crystal Cube Firejewel
"I think im going to get her a vibrator....I dont know, I think thats a pretty great gift. I mean no one else is going to get her one."-Marci
"thats not exactly a denial. I'll take what i can get.
"-Rob Guest
"Its just clear cut, it makes sense"-Marci
"Again, were just smarter than everybody else"-Me
"Is he yelling at us? The nude place is yelling at us"-me
"Thats you as a sheep"-Tara
"If you bring me a phone book...I will...."
"Oh, no...I just ate a bag of pizza roles"-Tara
I realized recently...that I am weird...I know, I know surprise surprise....but, I do not love comedies...I would much rather go see a drama than a comedy....weird.
"I understand 20 seconds or even 15 seconds. But, 1 freaking second is anything really ruined by one second in the microwave"-Jenna Wilcox
"I realized recently...that I am weird...I know, I know surprise surprise....but, I do not love comedies...I would much rather go see a drama than a comedy....weird."
I am the same way!
As always, I love your blog. I'm so happy you are recording all of these memories. It will be nice to have years from now.
1) Mutual weirdness. LOVE that one.
2) Anemiated. =) hahaha =)
3) WHAT exactly was WRONG with me that day? I didn't know it was possible to convey ADD/insanity via FB chat.... but apparently IT IS (based on all my quotes in this blog). LOL Thanks for reminding me of that, lots of smiles. =)
4) Loved your blog as per the usual. What happened to pressing publish? That was epic! =)
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