So, an entire pitcher of hot tea may in fact be too much. I know blasphemy.
I love days filled with Paris on the Platte, stories, lots of tea, silliness, a Miss.Christine Goldman and one of my favorite families.
"I didn't mess up our wedding but, you thought I was gonna"-Jeffie
"Hillary this may be the closest thing to a drunk dial that you will ever get from us"-Heather Good
"Is something in there? I mean that's a very large carrier to have without anything in it."-Random guy at Starbucks (Not to mention I was either missing a baby or completely nuts because I carry around a car seat and toys without a baby)
Who knows....
"You only do one shot, unless you are Mike O., in which case you would do several"-Rob M.
Its not funny. I am serious.
"I think I get less effected by vodka than by beer. Because, wait..."-Tara W
Seriously, if I ever get married it is not going to be about the ring. Give me a plastic ring, or a yarn ring, or a twist tie bread ring I don't care. Its about the person I am marrying and not the object.
"I need to find a hobby. I think I am going to take up burlesque dancing"-Jessie
"So, part of the deal with us being married is that I never have to make my own lunch. But, I do other things really well like make the bed"-Jeffie
The above picture is of Katie making Jeffie's lunch.
"My mother just quit her job, is moving to Puerto Rico, and was in a zombie movie"-Kacy
"This is a refill the mug kind of story"-Miss. Christine Goldman
It is shocking and not, because its well you guys.
"Okay what color do you want your room? (no answer and continues) Pink, okay I am on it"-Nicole Goldman (It's nice to know I have a place when I come back with people I adore)
"That's very sad for Kacy"-Jessie
If I was not going to be married before than I am absolute
ly never going to get married now due to crazy stories from the Gayles.
"I hate grumpies"-Miss. Christine Goldman
"Me too!"-me (in a super powerful way)
"Jeff's going to be a stay at home husband. Not a stay at home dad...just a husband"-Katie
"I want to wear pretty dresses and take them off"-Kacy
The Gayles have the cutest house and they are adorable.
"I knew your face was going to do that"-Miss. Christine Goldman
"So, I am just going to lay it out for you Hillary"-Jeffie
Katie has a slanket....yep. Also, she may have made me try it on...may have...
"Do you want one of these?"-Katie (referring to
the slanket, and addressing Jumping Adhesive Grasshoppers)
"Because, this one is mine"-Katie
"And, in fact this one is so much mine that if I want to wear it you have to give it back immediately"-Katie
"Now, I have scars on my toes because I had a freak dog accident"-Kacy
"It was a diaphragm spasm"-Miss. Christine Goldman
Looking at a picture from they're wedding in the chapel from above....
"Can we find you?"-Jeffie
"Here I am"-me
"What that's not you, your hair looks dark there it's not blond"-Jeffie
"Jeff, my hair is not blond"-me
"Well, its kinda"-Jeffie
"Her hair is brown"-Katie
"There will always be women in rubber flirting with me... "
Sometimes I wish that I could just fast-forward through life a few years. And, be a little older, and done with school, and working, and be married (if that's going to happen), and have children. The funny thing is I say that but, I would not even want that a little bit. Each moment is an adventure. Each step of life is exciting and is building and growing me as a person. I just wish I knew where I ended up. But, at the same time I don't and it would be so boring if I did.
You deserve so much more. Please turn and run away.
"Don't count it out. But, don't sit here and wait"- Miss. Christine Goldman
"We stalked you in the Aspen Grove parking lot"-Kacy
"me: you make me smile
Marci: you make my soul happy
me: same here friend 
Marci: also my puppy makes my soul happy just sayin
me: just compared me to your puppy
Marci: well you are both awesome, adorable, sweet, loving, make me happy and lick my face...wait thats not right ha!"
You are like a sister to me too. I love it.
"Wii, wii, wii, all the way home"-My father (while doing a little jig about my little brothers new wii)
"I’m angry. Remember though, anger stems from hurt.”-Jeff Lewis
I am so glad that we can talk like that.
"I don't need your validation"-Forrest (while jean shopping)
"The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live." - Leo F. Buscagila
"I want to break his nose"-Miss. Christine Goldman
He is so big now and it is so unbelievable. I am sad I am missing the little things.
It doesn't get any easier.
Stupid cold feet. Not like scared of doing something cold feet. But, actual cold feet.
"You're going to find Grant run over by a car someday"-Miss. Christine Goldman
"No, for real at a bar? With your good friend Hillary Drew"-me
"It's totally and completely...RED GRAPES!"-Heather Good
"I just spilled my guts to you and you did the same to me so...I think were officially awesome friends"-me
Christmas trees in car washes :)
"Listen to me talk about what I want to talk about"
You guys are so my favorite.
"I am going crazy and I friggin love it"-Miss. Christine Goldman
Why hide yourself on AIM? Lame.- You know who you are...
""One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes." - The Little Prince
"So, he's the eye candy?"-Erika
I have always loved this....
Being judgmental involves looking down on people. I may have strong opinions and I usually offer them. But, I do not judge people. Whatever works for you and makes you happy is great by me. As long as you do not hurt me or the people I love.
Fowler...yep, Fowler.
"The greatest evil in the world is heavy heartedness"-Lenny C.
Melanie you are unbelievably wonderful and kind in lots of little ways. I will follow that with...
"Hillary read my lips, your an idiot"-Melanie
"Hillary Drew have I ever lead you astray"-Heather Good
"I dont know but he better wear a full faced mask"-Miss. Christine Goldman
Ugh. This is not going as I planned.
"I know the exact moment"-Miss. Christine Goldman
I do not like getting people in trouble.
"Oh, my God. I can not even hear what is coming out of your mouth right now"-Melanie V
"i can dig it"-Mr. Mobley
You are ridiculous....
I dont know why so many women don't understand that their reproductive rights are empowering. Please know your options.
Magnets...yeah, I can see it.
Queen city of the plains,
Sing high her spirit praise well her name,
For in her we live and are loved :)
"Hillary this is your future if you continue down this path" -Melanie V. (I wish I could quote the detailed description and use of jelly containers and lettuce as a model for you...but, alas I cannot)
"I want a Hillary pocket pall"-Miss. Christine Goldman
"Here is our garden"-Erika
"Don't call me sweet it ticks me off"-me
"How about precious?"-Miss. Christine Goldman
"Precious is okay"-me
"And, than you'll be prepared"-me
"Okay im going to be completely honest with you...A) 2) Lastly)"-Mr. Mobley
That is a deal breaker...just saying.
"And, Hillary is going to come over here and live in our guest house"-Melanie V.
How do I do this every time?
"... when someone blushes, doesn't that mean "yes"? " - The Little Prince
Ultimatums...UGH. I may have just got one.
"No, were going to invent a device"-me
"I don't have to be anything"-Miss. Christine Goldman
This is unbelievably profound. I think its so true. I don't have to be anything but, what I am. And, that is okay. I do not have to be anything. But, I can be.
"No, your time for choices is over. We are now the panel that makes your choices. Were the MIM."-Melanie V.
"Close enough"
"Your message could not be delivered. Please try again later."- I don't believe this..but, its hard.
It's so funny to me what my generations views on things are. I sometimes feel unbelievably old fashioned.
"I hate him"-Miss. Christine Goldman
"You mean you love him?"-me
"Can you put on wings and use a wand so i can call you a fairy godmother?"-Rob Mobley
"Hillary it's on MTV"-Melanie V.
There are so many memories here. It's unbelievable. That was so much of my childhood.
Or, write a note...
"I recently learned how female I am"-Miss. Christine Goldman
Gayles come play with me again in Florida it will be so much fun!
"Are you sure my sister wants to talk to me?"-Shona (my sister)
"Yes, why wouldn't she?"-mom
"Because I am a little drunk"-Shona (she was, and I will always)
"Love isn't based solely on appearance or constantly giving each other attention. It's about having a common interest or dream and working together to achieve it. If two people or two things in love are too preoccupied with each other, they would never move forward. True love produces something and so it propels you toward the same direction." - The Little Prince
So, yeah.....A 2009 wrap up blog is on its way...but, I need to reflect a bit more on that. Thank you for being in my life and thank you for being you.
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