"Troubleville population 2"-Jenna
Bubble baths....
"I dont know she may be knocked up by than"-Jenna
"I am not panicing I refuse to panic"-me
"Avon calling"-Aunt Elizabeth
"So, I grow on you like a fungus. But, only in your warm and sweaty places"-Jenna
This is me...
"I would appreciate that very much sir"-Benjamin Rush
"I kind of blame her for me being gay"-Ben
"Innocently sweet, awkwardly shy girl...she's a little vixen that one."-Jenna (apparently this is me ...so I was told)
He had to be related to Adam Pascal...had too.
***mischievous smirk*** Just a little one... :)
Too funny....
"You really do just find a special place to go to. It works"-Bret ( I am working on it)
"Like when the stay puff marshmallow man blew up at the end of Ghost Busters"-Jenna
Broken...maybe a bit but, everyone is.
"People usually hold tension in their pelvic area because its very gaurded. Not that I am saying you should not gaurd it"-Andrew Lewis
"Yeah, right your dreamin"-Jenna
I hope I get to see your painting.
So, this is cool..
OK Go - This Too Shall Pass from OK Go on Vimeo.
"Hello New York Super Fudge Chunk and Big Love
Life is good"-me
"No, thats just because right now I can see four macs in a two foot radius of me and another 3 downstairs"-Jenna
That might have been a little uncomfortable but, in a good way.
"I am only as old as I feel and I feel 87"-Jenna
"Well, thats like the new 60 so..."-Benjamin Rush
It will work out the way it is supposed to. You cant mess it up.
"These things happen"-Aunt Elizabeth
"I want to learn how to weld"-me
"I want to learn how to play the ukulele"-Joe
"Hey girlies what if I married someone who smelled...would you still come to my wedding?"-me
"But, that is what we like about you Hillary Drew you are so cute and adorable on the outside but, somewhere in there is this tiny little slut just waiting to get out"-Jenna (yeah, I have great friends)
"no. now. its great"-Rob
"Well were watching project runway and I don't think the Scholl girls should listen to the shot song"-me
"OH NO THEY SHOULDN'T. too many birds flying"-Rob
"we shall wait"-me
"He's real sexy"-Ben
Your right. I am not that person, we are entirely different and we have entirely different life experiences.
"Which means we will have to change the name which I am okay with"-Jenna
":)\ "-me
"I like how you had to correct your smilie face"-Andrea
"Bret just told me that he thought that was getting so bad that he went to his special place FOR you! HA!"-Jenna
Well see....
Clarification and communication is superb.
"Recently started giving him her eye"-Person who shall remain nameless but, I thought it was super funny.
"I can't wait for you to live near us"-Jenna
"I cant wait either. Your some of my favorite people ever"-Me
So adorable I approve.
I don't think my name and "hot" go together...just saying.
"He took your rejection and is still standing"-Jenna
"He has taken a lot of rejection from me"-me
"I mean at this point rejection is what I expect"-Mr. Rush
"When i say you sucked my brains out the english translation is i am in love with you and it is no fun"-Ani
"Insert Appropriate Phrase Here"
I love that I can make that Coley laugh.
Your too cute. Seriously. It's problematic.
"I’ve been sleeping with the lights on
So if I wake in the night
Your picture is clearly in sight"-The Starting Line
So if I wake in the night
Your picture is clearly in sight"-The Starting Line
"you are a goof...chill out"-me
"lol now you sound like ben"-Andrea
"She flew to trouble, so she's just asking for it"-Mr. Rush
"It's the final push"
"yeah"-Rob Mobley
I don't know how you do not love it.
"Your getting nothin"-me
"But, really I just stayed for the down comforter"-Jenna
I am not the cheesiest person you know.
"Oh, crap now I have to say all of my funny stuff again"-Jenna
Mrs. Rush...you are kind of fantastic.
"I have loved many a gay theatre man in my life"-Jenna
"I wish I was Hillary Drew right now so that I could get a little notebook and write everything down"-Andrea Whitman
Really its that easy? Huh...
"What? Your back? I wish you weren't here"-Andrea Whitman (uh, thanks)
"This boy is trouble"-me
"And, she has known that since day one"-Ben Rush
"Well, she actually told me that about you"-Jenna
I don't really voodoo people...
"Thats a really good point. Maybe its me."-Jenna
**Jenna Laughs**
That could be a deal breaker...
"...and wonderful"-Jenna
"So, one is talking and the other is giving me the non verbal communication of exactly the opposite"-Jenna
Yep, I know what I am doing.
"Yes, i'm proud of you for letting somebody care about you like that."-Peter (in a British accent of Course)
"What?!?! I thought thats what we do!"-Mr. Mobley
"I dont know I like your expressions"-Jenna
"you too!
me too!
Jesus too!
ghandi too!
ghengis too!
"stop it"-me
"moses too!"-Rob
"Just keep buffing those edges"-Jenna
"How am I supposed to get my scoop when neither of you will tell me"-Andrea Whitman
"It makes me want to sing What a man, what a man, what a man, what a mighty good man to you"-Jenna
Gabe is funnier than David.
"youre giving me nothing"-Rob Mobley
"Snap, crackle, pop"-Ben Rush (in song form)
I am flattered...I think.
"So, your never going to call me Ben?"-Ben Rush (Doubt it)
"hahhahahah. I still got it"-Rob
"You still got it"-me
Seriously comfortable. That means a lot.
"That joke just died"-Jenna
"Do you mean "work" or "work"-Jenna
"Your silence speaks VOLUMES "-Miss. Willsey
"I was going to go to bed and write down all of my funny one liners for Ben tomorrow"-Jenna
So, I may cook...but, I don't make beds... :) ........ (I do make beds)
"I hope you did not totally besmirch the 'mountain'".-The Aunt Elizabeth
"Bret doesn't help anymore ever since Coley got the hair ball"-Jenna
Jenna you are trouble and a half.
"Your the first guy that I have ever first met in his bedroom"-Jenna
"You kinda need to meet him"-Ashley W. (yes I do.)
"Are you a visually oriented person? I knew it cause I could see you picturing it and thats when you got all awkward and put your head down"-Jenna
"Than I would be that mom who is going to the store and buying the little tester strips and they would be like 'oh, your a mom with a problem'"-Jenna
"Thats why well order them on amazon"-Bret
"It will come in a discreet box, just like your porn"-Jenna
Yep, trouble.
Dont look for signs, just be....
"Aunt Elizabeth, is it okay for the cousins and Hillary to have some chocolate?"-Solomon (yep cute)
"I'm a whore to the quoted blog"-Jenna
"I hated 'Breakfast at Tiffany's.' If you tell one gay person I said that, I will deny it. I will." - Marc (Ugly Betty)
"Your a glutten for punishment. I mean you are the one who wanted to video chat, I am just sayin"-Bret
"It will be awkward and itchy for like 10 minutes but than you'll get over it"-Jenna
I think your right, actually I know you are.
"Coley,your pretty much adorable buddy. I kind of love you"-me
"Your closser than you think"-Jenna
"Do you want to know what the boy asked me today?"-Me
I am not so sure about naming ones child baby Carlos...just saying.
"Look this is me with twins"-Jenna
"I know I look 12 1/2"-me
"You look at least 14"-Bret
"I am going to have my hip replaced soon. Just cause I can. Because AARP will pay for it"-Jenna
"If I got to see their crotches they should at least be able to see your face"-Jenna
I'm not gonna lie I am kinda bummed.
"She's a great mentor"- Ben Rush
"Yeah, cause im a whore"-Jenna ( a married whore)
I cant decide if that is a cop out or not...
"I am blonde and breast feeding so there is no way I am going to remember any of this"-Jenna
Making others smile is a must...
"Bubbles first than bling"-Jenna
It's not from lack of options...I just make choices that are okay for me, that work for me.
“In this moment, capture it remember it”
Seriously I still miss you like crazy...I expect to always.
“You take my hand and drag me head first, fearless”
“Is Jackie in the car?”-Aunt Elizabeth
"Mom are we allowed to have hamburgers at our school?"-Jackie
"I would say you have father-figure issues and you just might want to seek counseling"-Willsey
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