"What I want is to be missing an appendage.....the thumb would be the best one. But, I really need my thumb"-Ben Rush
I have no love for blueberry bagels....
"Traditionally you live in Colorado. Who's breaking whose heart now?"-Peter
Yeah...jumping in.
"Actually they weren't like that at all"-Jen Bonner
"I think it sounds legit it comes with a pitch pipe and a chord chart"-Joe Vatter
(Ashley flashes us and Tara and I look at each other) "I saw a thigh"-Tara
"The overture is like the thesis for the musical"-Benjamin Dixon Rush
"Please press backwards I can never look at that picture ever again"-me (while covering eyes)
"Oh, no"-Tara (as she goes back to it)
"Can I marry Hillary instead"-Curtis
A magic belly button, button.
So, my dear friend Rob is sick...I told him to get better....this is his response:
"yeah...the weather isnt helping were projected to get 4 feet this weekend lol"-Rob
"Well, get better before than so that you can go play in it"-me
Fired huh? Craziness.
"I am quite puffed"-Genna Kanago
"Quote my snort"-Tara
"In the meanwhile ...There are mouths to be kissed"
"I have always been very attracted to the randomness and the unpredictability of my profession. I enjoy not knowing whats next. I enjoy the passionate commitment to something which is going to be gone soon. It's a strange creative promiscuity if you like where I'll move on to the next thing and commit myself with equal you know, emersion and delight in something as if the one before it just never existed. And, I think its very exciting but it can create a kind of upheaval because there is no continuity. And, however thrilled I am by what I am doing and however stimulated I am by it I think it can be quite difficult to get back to a sort of a core. One of the things you are doing is taking on different peoples lives. You are changing character you are changing personalities. It's not always easy to shake them off, and before you have shaken one off you're taking another one on. And, I think just for an actor to get back to a sense of who you are without all of that can be quite a challenge"-Colin Firth (I think he is unbelievably brilliant)
"Whose that?"-Joe
"You're not playing today. You were like I am the real deal"-Joe ( I am the real deal Mr.)
I don't think it has to be that way...I hope it doesn't at least.
"We are not allowed to crawl around the floor like babies"-Mr. Rush
"There's no overlord in Dungeons and Dragons"-Jen Bonner (Yep, That is right Jen said that.)
"What would be even more uncomfortable is if it was me"-me
"and Willsey"-Tara
"Plus you can call them clavicles which is such a sexy name"-Marci
"Thats because you are a girl and only like P.S. I Love You movies"-Rob Mobley (You annoy me)
"I did my math first putting this off that says something"-Phillie
"And a person should celebrate everything, Passing by"
"That's the best quote ever but, I cant write it down"-me
"Theres an old lady outside eating chocolate do you want to tackle her for you?"-Tara
I am thinking about you.....it will work out. It always does.
"Whats up with her hair"-me
"They're fromping"-Tara
"From the side cause its a curve ball"-Mr. Benjamin Rush
"We could get tattoos or a pedicure"-Phillie
"I dont really want to be that edgy"-Marci
"Take that away before I make it talk again"-me
I needed that.
"I love being able to watch you. Your reactions are priceless"-Marci
Opening Night! Break a Leg to the cast of A Little Night Music!
Super cool idea...go here. Best quote on the website... "*due to the unexpectedly overwhelming response in january, and because i only have one mom, we've decided to limit orders to the first 30."
* At Panera with my favorite girls:
"What do you want Hillary"-Hannah
"Um, I dont know. Well...theres a delicious brownie over there"-me
"So, um...theres a delicious brownie over there"-Jackie (mocking me with lots of giggles)
"Like a tugboat taking the lead over the Lusitania"-Rob
"Oh...and so there's no confusion going further on which Mr.Vatter we're referencing...I propose that Bernie be "Mr. Vatter" and Joe can be "Master Vatter". There I go, showing my age again with these "Titles".-Jim Meadows
"Master Vatter" has a nice ring to it. Just Master for short?"-Joe
"No way am I calling you master..."-me
"He's got monkey thumbs"-Tara
"Of course we are all broken if we weren't we wouldn't be able to feel"-Miss. Erika
"I was about to say their was going to be a problem"-Mr. Benjamin Rush
I hate being this.
"Look at Ashley and Rod. They make sexy eyes at each other this entire scene"-Tara
"This is a grownup decision and it's not fair that you have to make it. But, you did a grown up thing so you have to"
"The violins are mocking me"-Aunt Elizabeth
"It looks like she's birthing Genna"-Tara
I am so sorry. I am thinking about you.
"Good the boobs kinda give me away i think"-Marci Williams
"I definitely cleared my drug test"-Tara
Heather Good Darling...you are brilliant.
"If David texts me it will be a revolutionary act"-Tara
"So, what the heck am I talking you in or out of?"-me to Marci
I just don't get that.
"And, you fat Barbie you're so fat your probably need something to eat"-Jackie (in character for Galactic Grooves)
"I wanted to say that during the first act. But, I didn't want you to elbow me in the ribs"-Tara
These things just sound so painful.
"uhm...do you not know what that means?"-Joe
"No, I dont hence the reason I put the question mark darling"-me
"It's like I am bad ass but nobody needs to know"-Marci
"This kid is appealing"
You are so cute.
"Well you can be Mary Ann on a cold day"-Tara
"But, you like men. Which means you halfway like him. I no way like him"-Tara
"you are pretty fantastic in general Mr. Bryce Brian Blakie Earl Marvin"-me
"lol SO are you Holly!!
"You, me, some spirit gum, and of course Fredrica"-Michael Fanaro
"That's not my rib, do it right"-Tara
"Overtures should make you feel like you are on Broadway"-Benjamin Rush
I cannot fully explain how unbelievably amazing people are in my life. I have amazing family and amazing friends. I am so lucky.
"I don't know if I want you to talk me in or out of it"-Marci
"Well, you have to figure that part out so I can do my job"-Me
"He was young and single"-Ashley Willsey
Sometimes I freeze in a shocked state.
My body just wants to eat salad.
"He appreciates that you get his humor"-Tara referring to Ollie the dog :)
"Don't look at me!"-Ben Rush
"What do you think about the show since you always hate all shows"-Tara (I do not hate all shows. I am not sure what you are talking about. By the way this is super funny to me because Francie Moon always says I never say anything bad about shows)
Marci freaking Williams you get me and I love you.
“If somebody likes me, I want them to like the real me, not what they think I am. And I don’t want them to carry it around inside. I want them to show me, so I can feel it too.”— | Stephen Chbosky; The Perks of Being a Wallflower |
"Hillary Drew I own nipple clamps their quite nice"-anonymous.
"And as far as spring awakening goes I adore it so much that is rivals RENT"-Marci
Smiles to you all...
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