Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It has been far too long...

Fruit salad trees from Aussie's....super cool. Someone told me they are allowed in the US we should check into that.

I have officially completed my first week at UCF and am in the middle of my second or as Willsey says the "Campus of sin and debauchery".

I had a lecture titled "How not to die" and a second so perfectly named "How not to die II"

learned to use some crazy cool tools, and I think the tech kids are my favorite.

I apologize for the was unintentional and they made me smile. At least you learned about un-tagging.

"Heather, Shhhh. Live on a magical cloud with me" - Tara Whitman

Irons are hot and pins are sharp"

"These were really good...I called them foreplay brownies....not as good as orgasm brownies but close" -Debbie Sussman ******I can not believe you threw away this sad.

"So one minute you are playing indoor soccer and the next you are knocked up." -Jenna Wilcox

My teacher used....Waaa in it.

"And this is one fucked up seduction"

I can not wait for tubing. (It was pretty amazing.)

So, the dolly awards were pretty much fantastic. Bad dresses and all.

I have some pretty amazing people in my life.

Everyone is leaving me and well it makes me sad.

"Drama is the first art we discover as toddlers and the last we relinquish in old age"

Just 13.5 weeks left.

Wine= :)

Sooooo tired.

You are driving me crazy. I know you don't mean to. But, you are.

"When you are an actor, no one believes you. They think you can pretend or lie well"

You make me smile.

So who wants to take a trip next weekend....New York or Savannah?

I am having a hard time not completely melting down. I am not letting myself. This is the first time in my life I can understand how someone could spiral down. It's terrifying. I am consciously making the decision to NOT allow it.

"I wish I were a duck because people would feed me bread. Stale bread."

I am learning to live with a new reality.

Yeah I agree that would be super weird.

Amelia Earhart: You've got moxy kid!
-I sadly have not used it in everyday conversation yet....its coming.

YAY for being Co-Godmothers! I am glad you know!

"You got to choose and you picked the golf ball?" - Miss. Christine Goldman.

You guys make me laugh....a lot.

I am STILL in love with a boy named Coley. :)

"Straight off the streets of Ballerado, 3OH!3...You don't get more gangsta than Sean Foreman and Nathaniel Motte - two natives of Boulder, Colorado, the nation's capital of hippies, hempwear and Hummers." - this made me laugh.... a lot.

I know your stressed. But, it will work out. It always does.

Mr. Jacob Goldman. I am so seriously impressed by you. Thanks for having tea with me, and for signing my CD (even if it is in the non- Jake Goldman style and therfore no one will believe me).

When you make it big...don't forget about the little people (one being me).

"No joke- 9 boxes of Oatmeal Squares await you" -Uncle Mike

I really have such amazing friends. Thank you.

I got far more lost than I should have.

"No, its not the potatoes, seriously its not the potatoes."

I am normally not this girl. I don't know how to fix it.

I can not believe we are this old...weird.

Happy Birthday Miss. Christine Goldman....
Thank you for being wonderful and in my life.

Being back is good. But, also so difficult.

Um, I sort of think your adorable. And, might have a little crush...

Coffee and I are not friends....never have been and never will be. Tea = Happiness.

I hope that it works out for you. You don't deserve that.

Hmm...that was a different side of you.

I am sadly missing Miss. Heather Good again. Far more than I can say.

I have this awful feeling that life is going to suck this year. And, by the way I do not use that word really.....but, it seems fitting.

I think I got groped far more than usual.

You make me smile. Thank you.

Yeah the "full mouth hello kiss" a bit weird.

Me- "I think its ice cream time"
Uncle Mike -"I got some more today"
Me- "Did you really"
Uncle Mike - "I have to keep up with you Sheridan Girls"
Me- "I haven't even had any since I have been back"
Uncle Mike- "Are you feeling all right"
Me- "Not really"
* To explain my excessive love for ice cream.

Good stuff please come my way.

It was not even close to being as bad as I imagined.

If, I do not text you back immediately it is not because I do not like you. It is most likely because I did not see it.

I am intrigued.

"Life is like Mario Brothers" -FAVORITE.

My new attitude is just do it ( I feel like I need the Nike Swoosh). I am living life to the fullest. Seriously. I know its hard to believe but, it is completely true.

Anyone up for see Hair on Thursday the 10th?

"If a tree falls in the forest, and no one is around to hear it, does it make a noise?" The answer is YES!

"Not anytime soon" "How do you define anytime"

It is nice to have that affirmed. But, not needed.

I am not cynical. NOT.

"He's a techie" -me
"Oh, that explains his awkward nerdiness" -phillie
"Yep" - me
"He's kind of cute" -phillie
"I know, that's how we like them" -me

I was reading past blogs and laughing. I am so glad that I have a record of some of the little things.

I love Phineas and Ferb a lot.

Phineas: "Hmm. I'm having trouble picking up Meap's cute signal."
Isabella: "Phineas, since you obviously won't figure this out on your own, I think I'm the one causing the cute interference."
Phineas: "Don't be silly, Isabella! I took into account your cuteness, and adjusted the cute meter settings accordingly from the beginning. See, look what happens when I change it back to normal. (the cute meter overloads and shorts out) Oops. So much for finding Meap." - SO DARN CUTE.

♫ "he looks me up and downlike he knows what time it is like he's got my number like he thinks it's his he says, call me, miss difranco, if there's anything i can do i say, it's mr. difranco to you ♫ - Okay so I know I used this last time...but, its fitting again.

Things left on the list: The whole reason and spirit behind this list was that we were going to do them together. So, I think we should do as many as we can before everyone is gone. But, do the rest when people make trips back to town. I think that is what it was about....not just finishing the items.

Watch V for Vendetta - Any night....
Swim with Dolphins.
Experience the Idol Experience at MGM ( partly completed-I did not see the front of house part...but, what I did see was oh so cool.)
Beach it up! - we could do this one night this week for dinner.
Slam Poetry. -

  • Monday Cup of Soul in Winter Park8pm - Free- Open Mic
  • Tuesday Dandelion Cafe in Orlando9pm - Free - Open Mic
  • Wednesday Austin Coffee in Winter Park8:30pm - Free - Open Mic Marks Caribbean Cuisine in East Orlando8:30pm - $5 - Open Mic / Poetry Showcase
  • Thursday Stardust Coffee in Winter Park9:30pm - Free - Open Mic / Poetry Slam

Have random adventures.
RED ROBIN adventure - This coming weekend? Sat?
Universal day!
Wet -N- Wild day
Swim in a spring
Slip -N- Slide
Lake Party at Julia's house
Go to a Museum
Go on a boat
Don't get skin cancer (So far, so good)
Ice cream at the Delicious ice cream place in Umatilla
Blue Man Group
Make summer survival Kits.
Picnic on the roof

It is never going to be like that again. That's hard.

I am waiting....

I love conversations that make you think.

I am loving that Heather Good has a blog.

Also, Joe's blog make me laugh.

Everyone I know should have makes me feel like I know the little things going on in your life.

I had a "Julia"

Shirley Temples :)

"Trying to fight the things we feel,
But some hurts never heal."

Pedicure day this weekend maybe?

I am so glad you get me.

"Let's go O-U-T tonight" I am so ready for an adventure....

So I can be your refference I guess. I mean I do have a title and all. -Makes me laugh.

Lets see what comes next....

Monday, August 10, 2009

♫ "he looks me up and down like he knows what time it is, like he's got my number, like he thinks it's his..." ♫

I am not sure that I can be cloned....we could try.... but, it might be difficult.  And, weird for brothers to both marry my clones.

I can not wait for the alpine slide.

Miss. Jackie is eight now....crazy.

"Where is that Meghan girl?"

Loose quote because I can not remember the exact words " Well maybe you should at least stop running in the opposite direction" - Jenna Wilcox

I am in love with a boy named Coley :)

"It's a sweater bag, full of treasure" -Kacy Bill

I am loving the lack of humidity.

Amelia Earhart: [Sees Kah Mun Rah's men approaching] Crimey, we've been jimmy-jacked
Larry Daley: Jimmy-jacked? 
Amelia Earhart: It's how I speak! 
Larry Daley: Yeah, but that sounds made-up, even for you... 
Amelia Earhart: [flatly] 'Oh no, our path has been blocked by bad people' where's the excitement in that? 

Walks with the Mom and the pups are wonderful.  The mountains are unbelievable.

Red Rocks was so amazing....really I can not believe how wonderful this place is.  I love it.  Check out these fun facts....

Rain in the middle of the 40th anniversary Woodstock concert/movie very fitting, fun, and a bit cold.

"I like all the Goldman's in the car, Nicole, and your parents" -me
Loose translation "I am going to say she likes everyone but you" -Elijah

Um....Fire alarms at Red Robin....interesting.

Please be careful.

"It can not deny physics and go through the lining of the purse" 

I am a honorary Goldman and Elijah is an honorary Drew.

Big floppy hats are amazing.

That was a weird lunch.  But, wonderful at the same time.

Amelia Earhart: Do you know why I became a pilot? 
Larry Daley: I have no idea. 
Amelia Earhart: For the fun of it. Why else would anyone do anything? 

You are pretty fantastic, don't let anyone tell you differently.

I heart margaritas....but, some are more deadly than others.

That was a LOT of food.

Pedicures with Miss. Jenna and the cute Coley....amazing.

Jenna will talk you into odd color choices.....I look down and my toes do not look like my own.

Amelia Earhart: I just feel as if I've been asleep for along time and now suddenly I'm awake

I am probably as innocent as you all think :)

Forever friends, Thai Basil, wonderful conversation, and margaritas = happiness.

Amelia Earhart: You've got moxy kid! 

-Moxy might be my new favorite word.

It is wonderful how you can see someone you have not seen in years and it is the same.

Thank you Debbie.  You are wonderful.

'Love isn't a feeling it's an ability'

"Brawless Bon Jovi"

Joshua Kirk likes girly other people I know.

If you are at Whole Foods stop by the beverage station and pick up a delicious sparkling tea thing....refreshing.

Speaking of Whole foods they sell SIGG water bottles there.....awesome.

"i know i give you a hard time but you are a grand lady for real.  but don't quote me cause i'll deny it to others i do have a rep to protect"

I love our conversations.

The double cheek kiss makes me laugh.

It's like were grownups....weird.

I can not wait to see Miss. Heather Good.

Red we come.

So....I just found out Jack-A-Lack will be spending 3 months in Orlando....Lord you are amazing.

Florida in less than a week....happy and sad about this.

I should have expected no less.

mmmmmmm.... illegal petes

Really?  I am not sure I believe you.  But, if its true I am flattered.

We are so much alike.  You make me smile.

Thanks for tea.  It was lovely Miss. Kate.  Some of you may know her.  If you do you should check out her lovely blog.  It makes me smile.
Please do NOT dream about me again.

"Obviously,  so it would be cool and legit"

This could be interesting...

"I could also get hit by lightening.  Twice." - Ashley Willsey

"I need to see your face"

That was the first of many times I am sure that will come up.  I am not completely sure I was prepared for that.

Its funny I hung out with old high school friends recently.  We are all very much the same.  We have grown up a bit. But, when you look at us.  We are who I would of expected.  Weird. 

That was so cool....we got to hear Mr. Jake Goldman on the radio....your reaction made it.

Movie night with my brothers is wonderful.

Paris on the Platte, tea, drum circle, fire twirlers, fabulous conversations, and Goldmans = super fun.

"if i brought a torch and attempted to eat it, i would be allowed?" - Rob
"Um...I mean....maybe....I don't know....their was like a five year old there twirling maybe" - My response

I met a ridiculously adorable little girl recently.  I can not explain to you the level of cuteness.

I HEART DENVER.  A LOT. And, Friendship days.

I miss Phillie.

I dont know what to do and that is difficult.  I get it.  But, I can't fix it.  I wish I could.

Really?  I am not so sure.

Grow up.  Seriously.

Loving the Mousey rescue picture.

I miss you all like crazy.

Life could be changing drastically soon....I am a little scared.

"Hillary acts like a Democrat but thinks like a Republican" - Quote from my father (also false)

I hope you have so much fun.

♫ "he looks me up and down
like he knows what time it is 
like he's got my number 
like he thinks it's his he says, 
call me, miss difranco, 
if there's anything i can do i say, 
it's mr. difranco to you 
I love children, and no matter what I think I will have to have one of my own.  I say no matter what to explain that even if I am single it is something that is important enough to me that I think it is a must.  We will see.

The world takes you where it takes you.  This does not mean to sit back and not activly pursue things that you want.  But, be ready for anything.  

Looks can be decieving....

So, the Dollys are super close and I do not know what in the world I am going to wear....yikes.

You are a very interesting person.  

I like to believe that people are good, sincere, and tell the truth. It is one of the things I like most about myself, and one of the things that gets me in trouble.

That was odd and interesting...I was not expecting that at all.

"You know, I've got spots... Mind if I've got stripes, too?"

"that's so much more complicated than you know" - Miss. Heather Good

I am sorry that your feelings were hurt.  It was not my intention.

"Ooh musical talent always helps :)" - Miss. Heather Good

"tonight you can't put me
up on any shelf
'cause i came here alone
i'm gonna leave by myself" ♫ - Miss. Ani Difranco 

I heart Flight of the Conchords....

Hey, when you have a moment please call me at this number..... 401-285-0701. Just do it. Thanks :)

Yes, I am a picture taking crazy girl right now. But, I feel the need to capture every moment.

My heart is hurting for you. I am so sorry.

You are an incredible person. I am glad you are in my life.

"She is home....Florida is just where she lives" -Jen

That was such a wonderful suprise.

I think you may be crazy....seriously.

Wash park was so fun....thanks Jackie....I love our conversations.

I enjoyed you more than I remember.

I will probably never have children and it is Jenna's fault. Not from lack of cute child but from scary stories.

I am amazed that was your reaction. Good for you :)

It is okay to process....and in fact good to.

Unitl next Florida....Lots of Love to YOU!
I am coming back and ready to finish THE LIST.