Monday, November 30, 2009

Melt downs through laugher, cheese, teleporting, witchcraft, good expectations, stupid youtube videos, RENT, black holes, and hot chocolate...

So, this may be the longest blog in recorded history....too much has been going on and I have been, here it is....

I am sorry you had to untag yourselves. I did ask before I typed :)

"I can't wait to get home and post them"-Ashley Willsey with excessively excited arms.

"We're in need of a kindness revolution.:-Heather Good

"If your head says danger, danger"-Aunt Elizabeth

"No they cannot hear you being silly about cordon bleu only I can hear you darling!"-Marci Williams

"Criminal records, I am still pretty firm on that one"-Ashley W.

"You got your cheek muscles going"-Mariah

I adore you.

Happy Birthday Mr. Mike O! (or Trouble)

"I am wearing a good shirt on Tuesday"-Ashley

"You're a Hot Chocolate Lush. That sounded racist"-Eric

Hillary"This is my favorite so far..."
Rob "What is the best thing about me?
I Get Around - The Beach Boys"

"You know what daddy, in bunkvill (like bunk bed vill) it snows books"-Miss. Jackie(level of cute excessively high)

"i also think that you can't wait around for something that matters (and i say that with love and adoration)"-Melanie

“The same song that you think is hokey is for a large portion of the population the song they lost their virginity to” -Martin Wootton

"There are people out there, unafraid to feel sorrow, unafraid of tomorrow, unafraid to be weak, unafraid to be strong...!"- Ragtime I wish I was unafraid....

"I like the latkes"-me
"Me too, I mean that's really what its all about"-Aunt Elizabeth

"He doesn't look like that anymore. He looks skinny. He looks coked out."-Tara W.

"I need to hide those boobs."
"You can't its one of those things you cant hide"

"It's so funny I can't explain it. You will have to watch it in show form" -Joe Vatter


okay sounds great

are you driving or flying in?



perfect...can you teach me?


just fall and miss the ground

very simple, although i dont recommend without a trainer

Hillary, I will have to get on that...

where does one find teleporter trainers?


just stick your thumb in the air, hitchhiker style

they should be with you momentarily

although, if they sense that the student will be a liability, they will not respond


got it...but, you got one to come to are the biggest liability I know....


nah. i was their 1,000,000th customer, so they had to take me


that makes perfect sense...

was it expensive?


lmao ...nope because i was that number, i got it absolutely FREEEEEEEEE



do you know about how much they run?


depends on how many failures you have


UGH...this is hard...but, it would be soooo cool



If I ever have children they must have red hair...I need to get on that.

Heather "put it in your blog ... just "I will tell you later" so we remember" =

Joe "i don't see that happening"
Me- " could"
Joe- "yeah, okay"

"I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that.." ~ CS Lewis

"I love that song. In Hillary terms it makes me smile"-Uncle Mike

"Can he creep it? Yes he can!"

"It's clearly white cheddar...... or whitely..."- Tara W.

"me: stupid nasty boy
Marci: agreed
me: :) I am glad we are on the same page here"

This simply will not do.... (I completley agee)

My parents
might have stalked me at the airport....

The guy behind me asked, "are they trying to embarrass you?"
My responce, "its not really embarrassing just silly"

That was a clip on....really?


a) tell him you're not interested

b) tell him you're not available

or c) let him keep doing it and ignore the advances and get to know him" -Heather Good

"It may be a platypus, but usually in most of the world its a duck"-Ashley W

"Funny people are the only people I ever get really interested in, because as soon as somebody isn’t funny, they bore me. But if the big attraction for you is having somebody be funny, you’re not really attracted, you can’t really ‘do it.’ But I’d rather laugh in bed than do it. Get under the covers and crack jokes, I guess, it's the best way. ‘How am I doing?’ ‘Fine, that was very funny.’ ‘Wow, you were really funny tonight.’"— Andy Warhol

I am counting down the days...

"Katie, you do it. I like when you charge at us"-David

"You are legit glaring at me right now"-Rob

:) ok, you are caught!

Caught? Huh?
I just realized you want to book me over in Lake County next thursday so that we can go meet the Santa at Olivias" - Okay, you caught me....its in my plan to get my picture taken with Santa this year.

I have a very aclectic group of friends, and I love it..

"Did I tell you you're wonderful?
I miss you yes I do
Did I tell you that I was wrong?
I was wrong
Cos you're wonderful yeah" - Adam Ant (This is an Uncle Mike favorite....and, I kind a love it too)

Really? Please grow up.

"That was so genuine"-Felicia

"Pull over your in the middle of the road"-The Lake County Sheriff

"I am not sure I can mimic their accents or understand their language"-Forrest or the Little Bigger Than Me Brother

In order to have theatre you have to have what? Basics here:
  • A message
  • Performer
  • Audience
I was learning and talking about children's theatre with a class the other day. It's interesting to think that "self" can be spectator. Is it theatre if you are performing for yourself?

"What constitutes as as a stupid youtube video? We cant be friends because I like stupid youtube videos"-Tara W.


"We got kicked out twice"- Melanie V

And, the plot thickens...

"I want you to know that those two are invited because they are your dates" - Aunt Elizabeth

"So, we were walking around and we wanted to drink of course"-Melanie V.

"Do not huff that breath in my direction. That is how swine flu gets spread" -Tara W.

"What do we want to do?" - Ashley W. via text.
"What do you mean? We do the same thing every night"- me

Happy Chanukah!

Apparently I am psychic....Awesome.

"Okay Hillary, I am going to be perfectly honest here...."-Phillie Shoop

"So, theirs this boy, actually he is not a boy. I think he qualifies as a man."-Ashley Willsey

I will miss the little things...

"I think you should learn short hand for the purpose of writing down memories."

"I am sorry I am not more user friendly"

That was the best awesome I may have ever seen in my entire life....yep.

"In a crowd of gay dancers"-Eric
"They weren't gay dancers?"-Ashley
"In a crowd of very interested european dancers"-Eric

"I am going to have a little scrap book of all of my stalker notes"-Ashley W.

"Hillary, you and I are friends but I wouldn't want us to have a physical relationship because that would ruin everything"-Ashley Willsey (I think there is more than one reason for us to not have a physical relationship...and, yeah thats one).

I am finding that I can talk myself into things and out of things very easily...

"I would choose any pasta over spaghetti" -Tara W. a text message...really?

"Are they trying to take the fort?" -Aunt Elizabeth
"Yes, but I will not let them."-me
"We need reinforcements!"-Aunt Elizabeth
"Dig trenches!"-me

I am anti games....(not board games...)

"Thats weird it has my full name"-me
"Sorry, thats just how your set up in my system"- The Aunt Elizabeth

"Tara, I like you a lot"-me
"What do I have to do to make you love me?"-Tara

"Are you talking to me?" -Uncle Mike

"And its going to be okay..."

"I haven't talked to you in so long. I forgot this is how you talk"

Don't wish...don't start. Wishing only wounds the heart.....

"You are too young. I will tell you when you are 33. I'll send it to you on your 33rd Birthday"-Tara

"You were sexting?"-Tara
"No, I was receiving sext's I wasn't sending them back"-Eric

"Trying to grow up. Learning to move on. Attempting to be a better and stronger person today than I was yesterday. I love completely. And I hope I am brave enough to settle for nothing except an extraordinary life."-Marci Williams (I want to be you)

"Oh, look at all the jewish dogs?" -Girls
"How do you know their jewish" -Lyle Moon
"Their hats"-Girls
"Their circumcised"-Francie

"Making Carrot Biscuits"

Okay, I am sitting at Olivia's minding my own business and this large group of obnoxiously loud boys(I say boys, they are technically probably old enough in the normal standard to be called men....but, they are nasty and stupid so, I call them boys) are having stupid, awful, mean and gross conversations...thank you for leaving. :)

Paraphrased "Hey, so a bunch of us are going to (some name I can't remember) next week you should come" -Brandon
"Where?" -Me
"(some name I can't remember)"-Brandon
"(some name I can't remember)"-Brandon
"I dont know what that is" -Me
"It's a hookah bar"-Brandon
"Oh, I am not going to that"-Me
"Kyla, he just asked me to go to a Hookah Bar"-Me
"What? It was very nice of you to invite her Brandon but...."-Kila

Hello choices....

"You love us"-me
"Yes, I do. But, I wish I had worn a better shirt"-Ashley W.

"Please, Please, Please...She has to love him"-me
"Oh, okay...I'll permit that"-Tara

"You l
ook like a christmas tree, All you need is a star. Will you wear a star if I make you one?" -Tara
(Tara is making it)
"You are going to
put this on my head?"-me
"It's going to be t
re chic"-Tara

I am loving this.

"You could be 'That guy' you're a very nice 'that guy'"-Ashley W

I cannot understand that. It messes with my head.

"If its going to embarrass her, it's going to embarrass me. Were cut from the same embarasment cloth"-The Aunt Elizabeth

"Just the SOP potatoes"-Miss. Willsey
"I don't know what that means"-Poor Waiter
"Standard Operating Potatoes"-Miss. Willsey

"Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored."— Aldous Huxley

"Why do I get these roles?"-Ashley W.
"Waa Waa WAIT...What other shows are you getting that involve mounting?"-Tara

"Maybe you should pitch that to Milton-Bradley" - Rob Mobley

There is a way I would react to this situation in the past, and the one that I feel like I would now...the question is have I changed, and if I have is this way actually better?

"It's hard to be a decent... when everyone expects the worst from you".-Melanie V.

How did you hear the phone ring before it did?

"But, I could be"- Tara

"Do you want to get kicked or something?" -me
You Betcha" - Uncle Mike (in best Sarah Palin voice possible)

Hillary: "Oh, Miss. Melanie...Why do you have to make so much sense?"
Melanie: "I'm a virgo."-Uh,huh....Guess who else is a virgo? That's right Muah.


I am absolutely interested.

Drewster? Really?

"It's pretty hard not to melt with him. I actually knee-buckle-swooned last night."-Melanie

"It's like "Meadows' list"- Mr. Jim Meadows

That was the best story ever...I am so glad you finally shared it with me.

"She petted me, and smelled me...she's taking me home tonight"-Tara

"We have a lot of massaging going on backstage"-Ashley W.

You make me smile. Thank you.

"He's just...
It's just...
He well....
He is....
He did....
He...." -Person who makes me laugh.

"He has a Fall Birthday" (Rest chin in hand and sigh)-Ashley W.

I absolutely hate when people have decided who I am and what I think and don't think I am much more than that...I may suprise you. I am not stupid and I am not naive (except a little by choice) but, that does not mean I do not know what is going on.

"I made Hillary go to Walmart today"-Tara (she did and it was frightening).

"He couldn’t hide how broken he was. It seemed to seep out of his pores and float around in the air, tasting of somnolence and something sweet and bitter at the same time."- Oh Miss. Marcellee....I am not so sure...

No way!

What is art?

Defined: the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.

"Produced as an artistic effort or for decorative purposes"-Meriam Websters

Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. I have issues with those definitions. Here is why...I dont believe that art has to be "beautiful", "decorative", or "appealing". I think art has to say something, have a message, and make you think. I do not think you have to like it, think its pretty, or actually get it.

So, thinking about creative drama in a is sometimes not seen as art. But, I think I have come to the conclusion that it is. Students learning, creating, and working is art. It's transitory and temporary and sometimes unrepeatable. But, that does not negate that its art. I think it exist sometimes just for that group and in that moment. But, it is still art.

"Even if I just nibble and take it home"-Tara
"Nibble, and take it home....that sounds like a good date night"-Ashley W.

"Is laugh therapy going to help a migraine?"-Tara
(I shake my head yes)
"I could do a strip tease"-Tara

"Eustis Gay" -I learned a new term today....

"What if your in the at the mall and than a random guy in a big fancy suit walked up to you kneeled on one knee and said with a sweet and earnest voice "will you marry me? What would you do?"-Miss. Katie

"Aren't you glad you turned it down, if you didn't you would have a baby daddy now"- Tara ( I cant even remember what this is in reference to)

Going with the flow.

"haha it just shows our devotion to you!"-Marci

Sometimes labeling things and putting them in boxes on shelves does not work. Sometimes it does.

couldn't find your face tonight"-Jonathan Olsen (referring to the stage kiss)
"It was in the same place that it always is"-Ashley W. a text...huh...

"24. Avoid any guy who thinks that women who don’t get married end up with six cats and their meals delivered on wheels. He probably also thinks that men who don’t get married live like George Clooney."

"Or dramaturg...since you are so obsessed" - Mr. Benjamin Rush

I am not really interested in that.

"I am fairly quotable"- Eric

"44. Avoid any guy who tells you immediately that he has a fear of commitment. He thinks he’s so desirable that every woman who meets him wants to settle down with him, so much so that it warrants a phobia. You will hate him by month two."

I am worried.

except for the first song I am loving the Christmas CD...thank you Telgster.

I find you terribly odd. But, I don't want to completely rule out what you say. Just because I think you are a little nuts doesn't mean you are always wrong.

"Do you smoke pot?"- Michael Mucciolo

Well, that was

"If there are a hundred Christmas quotes they
cant all be epic"-Eric ( Eric, this is sooooo true)

"I cant tell you how much I enjoyed your Aunt carrying around
hot chocolate in a Budweiser container and handing them out to YPT children"-Tara

Operation funniest thing ever (I just named it)
may have to will know if you are involved. In fact, it may have been your idea.... :)

“Because we are lazy we do not want to put a
black hole backstage” -Martin Wootton

"Oh half of my heart's got a grip on the situation
Half of my heart takes time" - John Mayer

Why do I worry about things that I cannot control. I wish I did not. But, I think its human nature. It means I care.

"Did you just put The Hangover and RENT in the same category of "good"?" -Me
"Yes"- Ashley ( I am going to have to guess she has never seen RENT live, either way...she is wrong)

So my phone accidentally forwarding messages....NOT cool.

I puffy heart you.

"Is that cow loaded"-Tara W.

Thank you for miming folding clothing.

How many times can one see RENT with Adam Pascal and Anthony Rapp? I don't think there is a fact I know there is add to this, how many times can you see it in one weekend?

"I thought it was Illegal Beats..."-Mr. Vatter

"My mom thinks your cute"-Ashley
"She's a little old for me, and a little vagina-ie"-Eric

I just had the best melt down ever. I needed that.

Vanessa, I don't know why you're mad at me
wish I was mad.
(She kisses him)
I'm just
too late." -UGH....amazing.

"That is sort of the plan" -Mr. Benjamin Dixon Rush

"You and your aunt should make an inspirational book How to Melt Down Through Laughter"-Tara W.

"I have a feeling in my soul"- Michael Mucciolo

You know when you are watching a movie and someone goes to walk up the stairs when they shouldn't...and you feel the need to tell them not to....I feel like I would be the one yelling "don't do it" in this situation.

"Isn't Patrick straight? So, I couldn't have him anyway. I don't want Patrick, and I don't want your mother" -Eric

"One of the things you do not do as a technician, take LSD"-Brandon.

Mouse stories make me smile.

"I don't have time to hear an emotionally scarring back story"

"I thought that was too much cheese knowledge"-Tara W.

"I don't know what happened. I was sitting there one minute and, was waking up the next"-Ashley

Heart hurting...good.

I need to just decide what I want. And, I think I have.

"I am on your side, I don't smoke pot either"-Amanda L.

"Hillary what am I going to perform ? I can't handle this"- Mr. Joe Vatter

"I know someone who has
a crush on you..."
"Is it ______?"-me
"I am
not telling"
"mmhmm...its ______"-me

"That's practically like foreplay" - Marci (HAHAHAHA-Maybe...)

The arts teach us about the world...but, they also add to our enjoyment of the world.

"Now you know why she doesn't like you she hasn't got over your first impression"-Tara W

Merry Christmas to Tara and I!

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

"Joe: anyway Hillary we have to PLAN there's only ten days!" (Joe were down to like...5...uh-oh)

"It's from the latin Kerfufle" -Tessa

I want to expect good things from people. If I get hurt in the process than I think its worth it. Because I would rather walk through life expecting people to be good and end up hurt than walking through life expecting people to hurt and disappoint me. I think I would be a terribly sad person.

"I mean I'll sleep on the floor when I want to sleep on the floor!"-Ashley

Where's the fountain?"-Tara
"Um, right

"Oh, it didn't seem that far away when we were running from the cops..."-Tara

"Aren't you glad I asked about Glee?"-Tara

Apparently I am super funny...when did that happen?"

The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians. -Pat Robertson (UGH... also favorite responce to this..."why didn't anyone tell me about the witchcraft part? I have been missing out)

"I mean it's good, but visually it looks like she's having an epileptic seizure."-Heather Good

"It might go well"-Ashley W.
"What does that mean"-Tara
"It means like go late. Like past Glee time."-Ashley W.
(we look at her)
"Get your mind out of the gutter Tara"-Ashley W.

If you made it all the way through....I think I am impressed...or frightened...

Hello World...“Let’s go on an adventure”...